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What the game really needs...


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...is a zone that is fully protected against zombies. I wish that the keystone protects my house against zombie-damage (adjustable in options?) to be really safe in my house. i will (and cannot) stay the whole game-time in my house (farming, looting, hunting, etc.) but when i stay at home i will be safe and craft without repairing my house the half day... just my 2 cents
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[QUOTE=UltraViolence;133642]7 days to hide like a baby.....you should probably go back to minecraft.[/QUOTE] Genau das werde ich auch tun. Und warum? Weil MC einfach viel mehr Spass macht als so ein halbgevِgeltes 7 Days. [QUOTE=Spades68;133640]What the game really needs is not have people like you.[/QUOTE] Aber dich brauchen wir unbedingt...weil du so wundervoll konstruktive Antworten hast. Mami kann stolz auf dich sein! So, um nochmal klarzumachen was ich will...ich habe kein Nerv mich den ganzen Tag mit der Steinhacke zu bewaffnen und nur zu reparieren weil die Zombies einfach ALLES kleinhauen kِnnen. Ich mِchte auch mal in Ruhe mein Haus oder was weiss ich basteln ohne stنndig befürchten zu müssen das alles eh wieder den Bach runtergeht. Das ist schon alles
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Oxmox. It's easy to make a base that is free from zombies attacking at all. Just take a bunch of pickaxes and dig all the way to bedrock. Stop every once in a while and dig a small area out for air pockets later (only two needed). Once you're at the bedrock you can dig big caverns with virtually any amount of space you want or need. To get out you have to die, respawn on the surface and throw a bucket of water over the hole. After a while the water will flow all the way to the bedrock so you have a quick water elevator in/out of your underground base (add a small layer of rock just on the bedrock close to the entrance so water doesn't flood the base either). Need more room?... start picking at the walls. You can stay there anytime day or night and absolutely no zombies above try to dig towards you. They don't hear you, smell you, or even know you exist.
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