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Medieval Mod


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I LOVE This! I will be watching and waiting. Ever since I started playing 7Dtd, I have felt that it was a perfect engine for a medieval game.


I'm not a modder, but I could see a merging of the hornets and the cop to create a dragon of sorts. Everything for castles and villages is in the game already. Modifying some of the zombies as other monsters and making the kind of changes that you are doing could make for one of the best game mods ever, IMO.


I have looked for a medieval/fantasy game that is similar to 7dtd and have found virtually nothing that approaches the potential of this engine to make a fantasy game.


I have not ever made a prefab, but have built sod houses with flagstone roofs that really look like medieval village huts.


Keep up the fantastic work. LOVE the magic staff mods! Awesome!

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Hey HO!!!

Work is in progress :triumphant:

made my FIRST Prefab, forthis mod, an Medieval Village!

With a big Fortress, a Farm, a Animal Farm (without spawning animals atm, but will fix this, it´s possible I know),

a Smith, a Magical Tower, a Mill.......forgot about all the things I put in........

so here´s a video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmHbykmh2O4&feature=youtu.be




and here´s the download link:


and another one:http://www.mediafire.com/download/bmce1gbn9yfse7a/Medieval+Village.7z





if anybody try help to make it better, feel free, I´ll put it in the final version into the upcoming Medieval-Mod.

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Hey HO!!!

Work is in progress :triumphant:

made my FIRST Prefab, forthis mod, an Medieval Village!

With a big Fortress, a Farm, a Animal Farm (without spawning animals atm, but will fix this, it´s possible I know),

a Smith, a Magical Tower, a Mill.......forgot about all the things I put in........

so here´s a video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmHbykmh2O4&feature=youtu.be




and here´s the download link:


and another one:http://www.mediafire.com/download/bmce1gbn9yfse7a/Medieval+Village.7z





if anybody try help to make it better, feel free, I´ll put it in the final version into the upcoming Medieval-Mod.


Looking nice, we got any stocks?

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Yes - cool new big Building ;)


But it looks to me more as an Mansion - then as a Castle right now


Anyway - great work again Pacc-man ;)



I have another Custom-Castle for ur Med-Mod - but have to repair it first ;(


I let u know - when I have repaired it - then we can play Knight-games together - hehehehehe




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  • 2 weeks later...
u friggin crazy awesome guy ;)


great work again ma babarian friend ;)



@bunglez: NOPE - No working caste,stonetower, or else medievil on the forums right now !!!


Someone's gotta make some nice medievil Pefabs !!!





Correction there is a castle prefab already lol. I did one back in 10.4 will sendnit to you to work on for a12.5 lol i busy with this military base "someone" wanted me to redo for a12.5 hehe :-P

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I started working on some Medieval style buildings. When I get them done I'll post them up. I previously had a huge castle on my last map that I loved, but had some server issues and lost the save so I couldn't get it out as a prefab sadly. I'll see about recreating it.

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I allready made 3 castles, all of them are not realy game ready, didn´t expect how much work this will be, but I could say it grows.

Got my first few medievalish city´s spawned, butneed more buildings, and a better understanding of the rwgmixer..............

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