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A16 - Valmar's Admin Tool


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Actually there is a method to fix the bedrock. Here is my idea for that (I just come up the idea so dont have the code yet)


Make the bedrock into a upgradable block so we can use an admin nailgun to upgrade it to other block like wood frames and air.


That will be less steps than changing in the materials.xml and server owners can fix the bedrock grief without taking down the server to change in materials.xml

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I've made some admin tools for my server and I thought I'd share them.


Admin Tool: Can destroy any block with one swing.

Admin Gun: Picture it like a gun that shoots tnt - great for removing hills or carving in cave tunnels in seconds. Plus fun.

Admin Book: Teaches you every recipe in the game.

Admin Pill: Fills your food and drink - heals and cures you from infection/bleeding/brokenleg.

Admin Shiv: Nothing special - just kills players via buffs so it doesn't count towards your player kill count.



	<!-- Admin Tools -->
   <item id="1002" name="AdminNail">
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="nail" />
	<property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" />
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/nailProjectilePrefab" />
       <property name="Material" value="metal" />
       <property name="HoldType" value="16" />
       <property name="Stacknumber" value="500" />
       <property name="Weight" value="4" />
       <property class="Action1">
           <!-- UseAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Projectile" />
           <property name="DamageBlock" value="500000" />
           <!-- no expl. -->
           <property name="Velocity" value="500" />
           <property name="FlyTime" value="1.2" />
           <property name="LifeTime" value="1" />
           <property name="Explosion.BlockDamage" value="500000" />
           <property name="DamageBonus.block" value="500000" />
       <!-- damage for blocks in the center of the explosion -->
       <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="1" />
       <!-- which prefab/particle is used -->
       <property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="10" />
   <item id="1003" name="Admin Gun">
<property name="CustomIcon" value="nailgun" />
	<property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" />
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/nailgunPrefab" />
       <property name="Material" value="metal" />
       <property name="HoldType" value="37" />
       <property name="Stacknumber" value="1" />
       <property name="RepairTools" value="repairKit" />
       <property name="Degradation" value="500" param1="false" />
       <property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="false" />
       <property name="SoundJammed" value="Weapons/weapon_jam" />
       <property name="Weight" value="33" />
       <property class="Action0">
           <!-- AttackAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Launcher" />
           <property name="Delay" value="0.2" />
           <property name="Range" value="50" />
           <property name="Auto_fire" value="true" />
           <property name="Infinite_ammo" value="true" />
           <property name="Magazine_size" value="25" />
           <property name="Magazine_items" value="AdminNail" />
           <property name="Instantiate_on_load" value="false" />
           <property name="Reload_time" value="2" />
           <property name="Bullet_icon" value="uzi" />
           <property name="Sound_start" value="Weapons/Motorized/Nailgun/nailgun_fire" />
           <property name="Sound_repeat" value="" />
           <property name="Sound_end" value="" />
           <property name="Sound_empty" value="Weapons/weapon_empty" />
           <property name="Sound_reload" value="Weapons/Motorized/Nailgun/nailgun_reload" />
           <property name="DamageBonus.head" value="6" />
           <property name="DamageBonus.glass" value="25" />
           <property name="DamageBlock" value="500000" />
           <property name="DamageBonus.block" value="500000" />
       <property class="Action1">
           <!-- UseAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Repair" />
           <property name="Delay" value="0.2" />
           <property name="Repair_amount" value="10" />
           <property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="-3" />
           <property name="Repair_action_sound" value="Weapons/Motorized/Nailgun/nailgun_fire" />
           <property name="Upgrade_action_sound" value="Weapons/Motorized/Nailgun/nailgun_fire" />
   <item id="1004" name="Admin Tool">
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Melee/Axe/stone_axe" />
       <property name="Material" value="stone" />
<property name="CustomIcon" value="stoneAxe" />
	<property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" /> 
       <property name="HoldType" value="32" />
       <property name="Weight" value="4" />
       <property name="FuelValue" value="5" />
       <property name="Candrop" value="false" />
       <property class="Action0">
           <!-- AttackAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Melee" />
           <property name="Delay" value="0.35" />
           <property name="Range" value="15" />
           <property name="Sphere" value="0.1" />
           <property name="DamageBlock" value="500000" />
           <property name="DamageBonus.block" value="500000" />
       <property class="Action1">
           <!-- UseAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Repair" />
            <property name="Delay" value="0.2" />
           <property name="Repair_amount" value="10" />
           <property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="0" />
		<property name="ToolCategory.Butcher" value="1" />
   <item id="1005" name="Admin Pill">
<property name="CustomIcon" value="painkillers" />
	<property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" /> 
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Health/painkillersPrefab" />
       <property name="Material" value="organic" />
       <property name="HoldType" value="16" />
       <property class="Action1">
           <!-- UseAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Eat" />
           <property name="Delay" value="1.0" />
           <property name="Use_time" value="..." />
           <property name="Gain_health" value="100" />
           <property name="Gain_food" value="35" />
           <property name="Gain_water" value="35" />
           <property name="Sound_start" value="UseActions/player_painkillers" />
           <property name="Debuff" value="freezing,hypo1,hypo2,hypo3,overheated,heat1,heat2,drowning,bleeding,burning,burningSmall,infection,infection2,infection3,foodPoisoning,sprainedLeg,internalBleeding,dysentery,dysentery2,brokenLeg,AlcoholPoisoning" />
   <item id="1006" name="Admin Shiv">
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="boneShiv" />
	<property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" />
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Melee/Knives/boneShiv" />
       <property name="Material" value="metal" />
       <property name="HoldType" value="36" />
       <property name="Stacknumber" value="1" />
       <property name="SoundDestroy" value="wooddestroy1" />
       <property class="Action0">
           <!-- AttackAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Melee" />
           <property name="Delay" value="1.2" />
           <property name="Range" value="2" />
           <property name="Sphere" value="0.1" />
           <property name="DamageEntity" value="1" />
           <property name="Sound_start" value="swoosh" />
           <property name="Buff" value="infection,dysentery,stunned,brokenLeg,criticalBleedout,internalBleeding" />
<item id="1007" name="Admin Book">
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Misc/Book" />
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="book" />
       <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" /> 
       <property name="HoldType" value="21" />
       <property name="Material" value="paper" />
	<property name="Weight" value="1" />
       <property name="Stacknumber" value="5000" />
       <property class="Action1">
           <!-- UseAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="LearnRecipe" />
           <property name="Recipes_to_learn" value="" />
           <property name="Delay" value="0" />
           <property name="Sound_start" value="Misc/recipe_unlocked" />
       <property name="FuelValue" value="20" />
       <property name="Group" value="Survival" />


Where do I change that? On the server or the client?

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While I'm happy you resolved your issue I'm beyond skeptical that my tools had anything to do with it and think it was coincidental. I can not conceive any reason why the admin tools could or would effect the forge timer in anyway. I'll look into it to see if I can reproduce the issue though again, I'm quite skeptical.

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While I'm happy you resolved your issue I'm beyond skeptical that my tools had anything to do with it and think it was coincidental. I can not conceive any reason why the admin tools could or would effect the forge timer in anyway. I'll look into it to see if I can reproduce the issue though again, I'm quite skeptical.


With all due respect, I tested this 3 times and replicated it all 3 times. 1 time was after uninstalling and deleting all traces of 7DTD. Don't know if it was conflicting with a setting but... Let me know if you need any further information.

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With all due respect, I tested this 3 times and replicated it all 3 times. 1 time was after uninstalling and deleting all traces of 7DTD. Don't know if it was conflicting with a setting but... Let me know if you need any further information.


Well I've tested it myself. Loaded up 100% vanilla files and then placed a campfire and forge with a ton of fuel and set them to cook some items in bulk. I then teleported myself very far away (two fully zoomed-out map strokes) and left my character there for a while. Went off an did real-world stuff. Yadda yadda. Come back, teleport back to the campsite. The forge and campfire had not finished and clearly were not working while I was away.



This was all on vanilla. I ask my server goers about it. They tell me this is a vanilla thing that has been around since A12 and that its normal.


My conclusion: Vanilla bug, replicated in vanilla game. No connection to my admin tools.

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Love the new Admin tools.


Question though, what are the admin nails for?


You dont have to worry about those. They're just the ammo for the admin gun. You dont ever have to load them since the gun has infinite ammo and always has ammo in it when you take it from creative menu.



Warning: be careful what you aim the admin gun at. Think of it like a rocket launcher.

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You dont have to worry about those. They're just the ammo for the admin gun. You dont ever have to load them since the gun has infinite ammo and always has ammo in it when you take it from creative menu.



Warning: be careful what you aim the admin gun at. Think of it like a rocket launcher.


Ah okay.


I tested the gun, pretty fun to use.


My moderators will love these.

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My conclusion: Vanilla bug, replicated in vanilla game. No connection to my admin tools.


Well I hope this is a DFU issue on my part... My server right now works 100% and when I load your code at the very end of C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days to Die Dedicated Server\Data\Config\items.xml it causes all campfire and forge items to become locked and tosses an error in the console. When I delete the admin tools code, everything is fixed.


Here is a snippet of the last bit of my items.xml file


    <item id="846" name="rocketCasing">
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Crafting/bullet_casing" />
       <property name="Material" value="metal" />
       <property name="HoldType" value="21" />
       <property name="Stacknumber" value="500" />
       <property name="Weight" value="50" />
       <property name="Group" value="Resources" />
       <property class="Preview">
           <property name="Zoom" value="18" />
           <property name="Pos" value="0.1,0" />
           <property name="Rot" value="10,-45,0" />

<!-- Admin Tools -->
   <item id="1002" name="AdminNail">
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="nail" />
	<property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" />
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/nailProjectilePrefab" />
       <property name="Material" value="metal" />
       <property name="HoldType" value="16" />
       <property name="Stacknumber" value="500" />
       <property name="Weight" value="4" />
       <property class="Action1">
           <!-- UseAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Projectile" />
           <property name="DamageBlock" value="500000" />
           <!-- no expl. -->
           <property name="Velocity" value="500" />
           <property name="FlyTime" value="1.2" />
           <property name="LifeTime" value="1" />
           <property name="Explosion.BlockDamage" value="500000" />
           <property name="DamageBonus.block" value="500000" />
       <!-- damage for blocks in the center of the explosion -->
       <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="1" />
       <!-- which prefab/particle is used -->
       <property name="Explosion.RadiusBlocks" value="10" />
   <item id="1003" name="Admin Gun">
<property name="CustomIcon" value="nailgun" />
	<property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" />
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/nailgunPrefab" />
       <property name="Material" value="metal" />
       <property name="HoldType" value="37" />
       <property name="Stacknumber" value="1" />
       <property name="RepairTools" value="repairKit" />
       <property name="Degradation" value="500" param1="false" />
       <property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="false" />
       <property name="SoundJammed" value="Weapons/weapon_jam" />
       <property name="Weight" value="33" />
       <property class="Action0">
           <!-- AttackAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Launcher" />
           <property name="Delay" value="0.2" />
           <property name="Range" value="50" />
           <property name="Auto_fire" value="true" />
           <property name="Infinite_ammo" value="true" />
           <property name="Magazine_size" value="25" />
           <property name="Magazine_items" value="AdminNail" />
           <property name="Instantiate_on_load" value="false" />
           <property name="Reload_time" value="2" />
           <property name="Bullet_icon" value="uzi" />
           <property name="Sound_start" value="Weapons/Motorized/Nailgun/nailgun_fire" />
           <property name="Sound_repeat" value="" />
           <property name="Sound_end" value="" />
           <property name="Sound_empty" value="Weapons/weapon_empty" />
           <property name="Sound_reload" value="Weapons/Motorized/Nailgun/nailgun_reload" />
           <property name="DamageBonus.head" value="6" />
           <property name="DamageBonus.glass" value="25" />
           <property name="DamageBlock" value="500000" />
           <property name="DamageBonus.block" value="500000" />
       <property class="Action1">
           <!-- UseAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Repair" />
           <property name="Delay" value="0.2" />
           <property name="Repair_amount" value="10" />
           <property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="-3" />
           <property name="Repair_action_sound" value="Weapons/Motorized/Nailgun/nailgun_fire" />
           <property name="Upgrade_action_sound" value="Weapons/Motorized/Nailgun/nailgun_fire" />
   <item id="1004" name="Admin Tool">
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Melee/Axe/stone_axe" />
       <property name="Material" value="stone" />
<property name="CustomIcon" value="stoneAxe" />
	<property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" /> 
       <property name="HoldType" value="32" />
       <property name="Weight" value="4" />
       <property name="FuelValue" value="5" />
       <property name="Candrop" value="false" />
       <property class="Action0">
           <!-- AttackAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Melee" />
           <property name="Delay" value="0.35" />
           <property name="Range" value="15" />
           <property name="Sphere" value="0.1" />
           <property name="DamageBlock" value="500000" />
           <property name="DamageBonus.block" value="500000" />
       <property class="Action1">
           <!-- UseAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Repair" />
            <property name="Delay" value="0.2" />
           <property name="Repair_amount" value="10" />
           <property name="Upgrade_hit_offset" value="0" />
		<property name="ToolCategory.Butcher" value="1" />
   <item id="1005" name="Admin Pill">
<property name="CustomIcon" value="painkillers" />
	<property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" /> 
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Health/painkillersPrefab" />
       <property name="Material" value="organic" />
       <property name="HoldType" value="16" />
       <property class="Action1">
           <!-- UseAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Eat" />
           <property name="Delay" value="1.0" />
           <property name="Use_time" value="..." />
           <property name="Gain_health" value="100" />
           <property name="Gain_food" value="35" />
           <property name="Gain_water" value="35" />
           <property name="Sound_start" value="UseActions/player_painkillers" />
           <property name="Debuff" value="freezing,hypo1,hypo2,hypo3,overheated,heat1,heat2,drowning,bleeding,burning,burningSmall,infection,infection2,infection3,foodPoisoning,sprainedLeg,internalBleeding,dysentery,dysentery2,brokenLeg,AlcoholPoisoning" />
   <item id="1006" name="Admin Shiv">
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="boneShiv" />
	<property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" />
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Melee/Knives/boneShiv" />
       <property name="Material" value="metal" />
       <property name="HoldType" value="36" />
       <property name="Stacknumber" value="1" />
       <property name="SoundDestroy" value="wooddestroy1" />
       <property class="Action0">
           <!-- AttackAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="Melee" />
           <property name="Delay" value="1.2" />
           <property name="Range" value="2" />
           <property name="Sphere" value="0.1" />
           <property name="DamageEntity" value="1" />
           <property name="Sound_start" value="swoosh" />
           <property name="Buff" value="infection,dysentery,stunned,brokenLeg,criticalBleedout,internalBleeding" />
<item id="1007" name="Admin Book">
       <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Misc/Book" />
	<property name="CustomIcon" value="book" />
       <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FF0000" /> 
       <property name="HoldType" value="21" />
       <property name="Material" value="paper" />
	<property name="Weight" value="1" />
       <property name="Stacknumber" value="5000" />
       <property class="Action1">
           <!-- UseAction -->
           <property name="Class" value="LearnRecipe" />
           <property name="Recipes_to_learn" value="" />
           <property name="Delay" value="0" />
           <property name="Sound_start" value="Misc/recipe_unlocked" />
       <property name="FuelValue" value="20" />
       <property name="Group" value="Survival" />

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Used the code you shared on a vanilla game without any problems whatsoever. No error messages and forges/campfires worked fine.


I can probably help pinpoint the problem if you share the config folder with me. I can then test the entire thing on my end and see whats-what.

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Used the code you shared on a vanilla game without any problems whatsoever. No error messages and forges/campfires worked fine.


I can probably help pinpoint the problem if you share the config folder with me. I can then test the entire thing on my end and see whats-what.


Currently I am running fairly default settings other than a few tweaks in serverconfig and serveradmin. Let me know what information you would like and I will send/upload it.


I am currently using 7DaysToDieServerManagerV2 by FrontRunnerTek and Alloc's rev. 253 (6_8_10) (2015-12-12)

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Those attachments don't work for me. Again if you could package the config folder up in a zip and send it my way I'd be happy to look into the problem for you. In the very least the output log of what the error looks like.



Otherwise all I can say is that the mod works fine for me, even using the one you shared on a vanilla map. I dont know what is causing your problem.

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hello, in 13.4 these worked well for me.. now (13.5) the icons do not show, I get a ERR in console.


ERR Loading and parsing items xml file (Attribute 'material' 'Survivor Notes' refers not existing material in item '1007'/ at ItemClassesFrom Xml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlfile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 )


ERR Loading of items aborted due to errors


ERR at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile_xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown> :0


code was placed in items.xml.


Thanks for your tools


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hello, in 13.4 these worked well for me.. now (13.5) the icons do not show, I get a ERR in console.


ERR Loading and parsing items xml file (Attribute 'material' 'Survivor Notes' refers not existing material in item '1007'/ at ItemClassesFrom Xml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlfile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 )


ERR Loading of items aborted due to errors


ERR at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile_xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown> :0


code was placed in items.xml.


Thanks for your tools[/quote



I see the problem. I updated them the other night to add a few subtle adjustments (admin tool no longer stacks, the admin gun no longer loses durability) and in doing so I just copy/pasted the code from my file. Forgot about ensuring it would function properly in vanilla I guess. Blunder on my part. Adjusted it. Try the code now - all should be golden. Sorry about that.

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  • 1 month later...
I've made some admin tools for my server and I thought I'd share them.


Admin Tool: Destroys blocks quickly - one stage at a time Repairs with one swing.

Admin Gun: Picture it like a gun that shoots tnt - great for removing hills or carving in cave tunnels in seconds. Plus fun.

Admin Book: Teaches you every recipe in the game.

Admin Pill: Fills your food and drink - heals and cures you from infection/bleeding/brokenleg.

Admin Shiv: Nothing special - just kills players via buffs so it doesn't count towards your player kill count.

Admin Auger: Demolishes any block with one hit. Very rapid block destruction. Right click for slower attack.





/drool... why was i unfortunate enough to download this game without this mod! its...so beautiful man

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