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It depends on what object you are talking about.  Are you asking for items, vehicles, blocks?


For most items, they get damaged via use so you would just need to remove the degradation per use property on them


For blocks, you cannot destroy bedrock and compared to other blocks, I believe that is tied into hardness (bedrock has 10,000 hardness while everything else has 1 hardness).  Thad would be the first thing I would try if I was going to make a block indestructible.


For vehicles, I know I have seen some mods that reduced the damage but I am not sure how that is done.

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4 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

For vehicles, I know I have seen some mods that reduced the damage but I am not sure how that is done.


They give the vehicles more hitpoints. Something like this...


<setattribute xpath="/items/item[@name='vehicleBicyclePlaceable']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='DegradationMax']" name="value">4500</setattribute>


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