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(V1.0) Outback Roadies


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I've used CubeCodes AMP in the past, and the World selection option has been very reliable. The only challenge with it was overriding permissions with processed Worlds as it appears to be restrictive with those due to unique identifiers it makes itself. The first checks are the basic ones.

1. Can you confirm the World has been unzipped before placing in the GeneratedWorlds folder?
2. Have you also attempted to place it into the Data/Worlds folder instead as an alternative location?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/21/2024 at 2:21 AM, arramus said:

Here is a small update for Roadies.


1. Boss Fred n Sam, Sally, and Sidney Combos

The boss spiders will most visit during the night or in more hostile biomes at any time.

They have the regular queen melee type with temporary venom screen buff, but have higher HP, XP, and loot drop probability.




Ran into my first one of these today and it's the hardest mob to kill so far in the game.

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Yes. These have the HP and armour to withstand a flurry of bullets. The spider's eyes are the most sensitive part in this attack, as the crawler companion is purely cosmetic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a small update for Outback Roadies:


1. The Machete base hit per minute value has been increased from 55 to 70 to give it greater balance as a Tier 3 weapon when facing high end entities. It can further increase speed with Skill and will require stamina support in the form of a mod or appropriate food/drink.

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  • 2 months later...

It is in the Mod Launcher as an unannounced tentative developmental release. There are a few small things here and there to tidy up but it's all good and ready to play.

The Aussie World is in the Mods folder and zipped. It is a Mod, and can be placed in the Mods folder once unzipped, or in the Data/Worlds folder for just the World files for those who prefer it that way.

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  • arramus changed the title to (V1.0) Outback Roadies
8 minutes ago, arramus said:

Yes. It is possible to upload the files to your server and play with multiple people at the same time. Everything will work just the same as in SP.

Sorry to be a pain but are you able to tell me what is needed for that to work or link me somewhere if possible. Having never done this before

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It really depends on your server host, but in general our server host requires us to:


1. Use an FTP application such as FileZilla to upload the files to your server Mods folder.


And it is generally as easy as that. The server hosting company provides the connection ip and password to the FTP connection. It can be the same as your usual login information but the FTP port number will be different.


Other than that, it is exactly the same. Place the Mods in the Mods folder just the same as for Single Player.

Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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26 minutes ago, arramus said:

It really depends on your server host, but in general our server host requires us to:


1. Use an FTP application such as FileZilla to upload the files to your server Mods folder.


And it is generally as easy as that. The server hosting company provides the connection ip and password to the FTP connection. It can be the same as your usual login information but the FTP port number will be different.


Other than that, it is exactly the same. Place the Mods in the Mods folder just the same as for Single Player.

Thankyou. I read somewhere that some require both client and server side so i wasnt sure what to tell my friends thats all. Thanks again look forward to playing the mod

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Yes. Outback Roadies will require an exact copy of files for both the server and clients.


Fortunately, what is downloaded and placed in the Mods folder for the Mod Launcher, can be uploaded to the server Mods folder. That way, you know it will be identical.

If you decide to add extra Mods to the server that are not part of Outback Roadies, then it is essential the clients also have the same copies.

If you use something from the Optional Mods folder for Outback Roadies, that is all server side only and the changes will be pushed to clients even if they don't install it. For example, upgrading to the 96 Slot Backpack mod.

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47 minutes ago, arramus said:

Yes. Outback Roadies will require an exact copy of files for both the server and clients.


Fortunately, what is downloaded and placed in the Mods folder for the Mod Launcher, can be uploaded to the server Mods folder. That way, you know it will be identical.

If you decide to add extra Mods to the server that are not part of Outback Roadies, then it is essential the clients also have the same copies.

If you use something from the Optional Mods folder for Outback Roadies, that is all server side only and the changes will be pushed to clients even if they don't install it. For example, upgrading to the 96 Slot Backpack mod.

Right i think i understand now. I thought i was able to just install the mod files onto server and everyone was fine to play through the normal 7days launcher

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The Worlds is in the Mods folder as a zipped file. This is because it is huge and the hosting site will not allow single files above 100mb. It needs to be unzipped and placed in the Mods folder, since it is a Mod.


it can be unzipped and uploaded to a server but needs to be extracted from the Worlds folder and placed in the Data/Worlds folder or where the server host requires it. 

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I think their may be an issue somewhere not allowing the mod to work on server hosting sites, if thats even possible. Did all the steps correct and it keeps failing right as it about to initialise the world. Also had same issue trying to join a random person server aswell. Have no trouble running a single player world or having friends join that way. Just seems to be an issue around the server 

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Here are the exact steps to running the World for client and server.


1. Unzip the V1-Australia10K-OutbackRoadies.zip file to its own folder inside the Mods folder.

2. Ensure that it hasn't double nested as V1-Australia10K-OutbackRoadies with another V1-Australia10K-OutbackRoadies folder inside.


The hierarchy should be top layer folder V1-Australia10K-OutbackRoadies and inside there will be a Worlds folder and ModInfo.xml folder. If it has double nested it will not load. The game needs to see the ModInfo.xml file at the top folder layer.



1. Unzip and go inside the Worlds.

2. Place the Australia 10K Outback Roadies folder directly in the server's Data/Worlds folder where we can find Navezgane.


It is also possible to run the World as a Mod in the same way as the Client method.

The server World will be:

<property name="GameWorld"                        value="Australia 10K Outback Roadies"/>

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On 9/6/2024 at 9:41 PM, TheCptn said:

I think their may be an issue somewhere not allowing the mod to work on server hosting sites, if thats even possible. Did all the steps correct and it keeps failing right as it about to initialise the world. Also had same issue trying to join a random person server aswell. Have no trouble running a single player world or having friends join that way. Just seems to be an issue around the server 

I can't comment on server hosting sites, but I have recently setup a server and have it being played on with friends.


Honestly the bit that was the hardest for me to find was the GameWorld setting, everything else was normal, extract mod to mods folder, extract map to mods folder, and then from client side we are all just using the mod launcher.



I do have an issue with this mod though, the slot lock doesn't seem to work for myself or my friends playing on the server. You click the button, and the UI doesn't change and show the locks allowing for slot locking, I'm wondering if this is an issue with the change from first x slots locked to the new individual slot lock stuff.

Happy to provide any logs (server or client) although nothing comes up on client side when clicking the button.

Edited by Natcoso9955 (see edit history)
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6 hours ago, Natcoso9955 said:

I do have an issue with this mod though, the slot lock doesn't seem to work for myself or my friends playing on the server. You click the button, and the UI doesn't change and show the locks allowing for slot locking, I'm wondering if this is an issue with the change from first x slots locked to the new individual slot lock stuff.

Thanks for reporting. It is added to the 96 BBM optional mod, but not updated for the default 60 slots. It has been updated and added to the Mod Launcher for download.


However, this is something you can do manually for now on the server and it would be pushed to all friends as it is a server side configuration.


Head to:



and replace the top part to:


		<!-- Make cells not look like crap and item icons fit properly - KhaineGB -->
		<kh60_backpack_item_stack controller="ItemStack" on_scroll="false" allow_dropping="true" prefix_id="false" show_favorites="false">
			<rect controller="${controller}" style="kh60_itemStack, hover" collider_scale="1.0" on_scroll="${on_scroll}" allow_dropping="${allow_dropping}" prefix_id="${prefix_id}" show_favorites="${show_favorites}" tooltip="{tooltip}" >
				<sprite depth="2" name="backgroundMain" sprite="menu_empty3px" pos="-3,3" width="63" height="63" color="[black]" type="sliced" fillcenter="false" />
				<sprite depth="3" name="background" sprite="menu_empty3px" width="58" height="58" color="{selectionbordercolor}" type="sliced" globalopacity="true" fillcenter="false"/>
				<sprite depth="2" name="highlightOverlay" width="57" height="57" color="{backgroundcolor}" pos="0,0" type="sliced" globalopacity="true"/>

				<texture depth="3" name="backgroundTexture" material="Materials/Transparent Colored" size="58,58" globalopacity="true"/>
				<sprite depth="8" name="favoriteIcon" width="24" height="24" sprite="server_favorite" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{isfavorite}"/>
				<sprite depth="6" name="itemIcon" width="55" height="55" atlas="ItemIconAtlas" sprite="{itemicon}" pos="30,-25" pivot="center" foregroundlayer="true" color="{iconcolor}" />
				<sprite depth="8" name="lockTypeIcon" width="17" height="17" sprite="{locktypeicon}" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true"/>
				<sprite depth="8" name="itemtypeicon" width="24" height="24" sprite="ui_game_symbol_{itemtypeicon}" pos="2,-2" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{hasitemtypeicon}" color="{itemtypeicontint}" />

				<sprite depth="3" name="durabilityBackground" width="56" height="7" sprite="menu_empty3px" color="[darkGrey]" type="sliced" pos="1, -50" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{hasdurability}" />
				<filledsprite depth="4" name="durability" width="56" height="7" sprite="menu_empty2px" color="{durabilitycolor}" fill="{durabilityfill}" type="filled" pos="1, -50" foregroundlayer="true" visible="{hasdurability}" />

				<sprite depth="5" name="disabledOverlay" width="57" height="57" color="[darkGrey_half_alpha]" pos="1,-1" type="sliced" visible="false"/>

				<label depth="7" name="stackValue" pos="-2,-45" width="55" height="17" text="{itemcount}" font_size="26" effect="outline" justify="{#hasdurability ? 'Center' : 'Right'}" />
				<label depth="7" name="timer" pos="35,-38" width="55" height="21" font_size="24" justify="center" pivot="center" effect="outline" color="[beige]"/>
				<sprite depth="9" name="cancel" sprite="ui_game_symbol_x" width="55" height="55" color="255,0,0,255" type="sliced" visible="false" foregroundlayer="true"/>
				<sprite depth="13" name="assembleIcon" size="28,28" sprite="{stacklockicon}" color="{stacklockcolor}" visible="{isassemblelocked}" pos="14,-14" foregroundlayer="true"/>
				<button name="rectSlotLock" depth="15" style="press, hover" width="65" height="65" visible="{userlockmode}" sprite="" hoverscale="1" use_selection_box="true">
					<sprite depth="16" name="button" width="17" height="17" sprite="{# userlockedslot ? 'ui_game_symbol_lock' : 'ui_game_symbol_unlock' }" pos="50, -10" style="icon32px" pivot="center" color="{# userlockedslot ? '222,206,163' : '255,255,255' }" />
				<sprite depth="15" name="iconSlotLock" width="13" height="13" sprite="ui_game_symbol_lock" pos="50, -7" style="icon32px" pivot="center" visible="{# userlockedslot and !userlockmode}" color="[white]" />


or simply add this slither at the bottom just before </rect>


				<button name="rectSlotLock" depth="15" style="press, hover" width="65" height="65" visible="{userlockmode}" sprite="" hoverscale="1" use_selection_box="true">
					<sprite depth="16" name="button" width="17" height="17" sprite="{# userlockedslot ? 'ui_game_symbol_lock' : 'ui_game_symbol_unlock' }" pos="50, -10" style="icon32px" pivot="center" color="{# userlockedslot ? '222,206,163' : '255,255,255' }" />
				<sprite depth="15" name="iconSlotLock" width="13" height="13" sprite="ui_game_symbol_lock" pos="50, -7" style="icon32px" pivot="center" visible="{# userlockedslot and !userlockmode}" color="[white]" />


Thanks for reporting, as these things can sometimes slip past the quality control checks.


Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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