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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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8 minutes ago, toores said:

Feature request.

Short press for regular jump and long press for higher jump.


Once you have parkour, it is impossible to enter some of the outside windows because a half-block ledge above a player pushes the player off a building when the jump is higher than regular.

I know you can crouch to "hack" that, but it feels like a design flaw that I have to "hack" a perk in order to play the POI as it was intended.


Honestly, it's for this reason alone I never max out Parkour. If I do invest in the perk, I'll put 2, maybe 3 points into it.

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Question regarding Fubar's stream :


Why the revolver is THIS MUCH inclined???

I'm not a weapon expert but, it's not looking right, kinda breaking immersion imo (but the bobbing effect is cool)


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One thing I noticed during the stream is that some zombies feel like their running at half frame rate (if that even makes sense?) like they're animations are stuttering even if the game isn't.


Is that some sort of optimization thing that's just getting triggered at the wrong distance or something?


Edit: Also either Rick or Joels armor set has a floating piece a couple of blocks behind them though I'd imagine the pimps are already aware

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2 hours ago, Teezer said:

Question regarding Fubar's stream :


Why the revolver is THIS MUCH inclined???

I'm not a weapon expert but, it's not looking right, kinda breaking immersion imo (but the bobbing effect is cool)


In general I am a bit disappointed going into 1.0 that the weapons are still as janky as they are now. Almost every other FPS gets guns right, (especially ADS which still looks bad with the misaligned sights and crosshair combo) but not this game for whatever reason. I do hope in the future the weapons get a pass and have a improved feel.


Also the tire rotation/animation on the new 4x4 looks really bad. Doesn't match the speed AT ALL.

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What I found a bit confusing with last night's dev stream was the big deal about showing fps. Sure, it definitely wouldnt demonstrate the performance of the people watching, since everyone has different machines, and the stream and such, but at this point, everyone's hyped up for the release, you can't really blame them for asking questions. The performance at this point is kind of a meme, and not showing it, even if it wouldn't demonstrate much, wouldn't be a big deal.


Funniest moments have to be when Fubar just gives a dead stare straight into the camera. He looks like he's possessed. (Not trying to be rude, it's just really funny to me)


I only caught the first hour or so of the stream. Looking forward to watching the vod!

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@ смертельный@Роланд

Hello, I do not know if anyone has asked you this question, but I still think that it is relevant for many players, so will there ever be an opportunity in the future with the release of an update, for example 1.1, to play in the world that you created in version 1.0 in 7 days to die - This is an amazing game with a completely destructible world where you can build whatever you want and survive however you want. It's no secret to many what efforts were spent on building your house or dream base, how many hours were spent on it, and I think many are upset by the fact that with the release of the new version of the game there is no way to play on the old map. I understand that there are reasons for this, new buildings, blocks, zombies, objects that did not exist in the previous version, and with updates they cannot appear in the old world out of the blue, but judging by the roadmap, nothing supernatural is planned, so such a scheme may well be this can be implemented with the release of version 1.0 or via version

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1 hour ago, OgreSlayeR said:

In general I am a bit disappointed going into 1.0 that the weapons are still as janky as they are now. Almost every other FPS gets guns right, (especially ADS which still looks bad with the misaligned sights and crosshair combo) but not this game for whatever reason. I do hope in the future the weapons get a pass and have a improved feel.


Also the tire rotation/animation on the new 4x4 looks really bad. Doesn't match the speed AT ALL.

7 Days to Die is not a firearm simulator. You point the crosshair at something, you shoot.


I'm sure the tire rotation was fine on Lathan's computer, but streaming tends to do that and not make animation smooth.

47 minutes ago, User said:

What I found a bit confusing with last night's dev stream was the big deal about showing fps. Sure, it definitely wouldnt demonstrate the performance of the people watching, since everyone has different machines, and the stream and such, but at this point, everyone's hyped up for the release, you can't really blame them for asking questions, and it felt like a lot of these streams are the streamer just constantly saying no, or telling the people watching that they shouldnt ask about xyz. The performance at this point is kind of a meme, and not showing it, even if it wouldn't demonstrate much, wouldn't be a big deal. But like, just for fun, you could give the people what they want on occasion 😂 


Funniest moments have to be when Fubar just gives a dead stare straight into the camera. He looks like he's possessed. (Not trying to be rude, it's just really funny to me)


I only caught the first hour or so of the stream. Looking forward to watching the vod!

Since Lathan is also streaming and hosting, FPS wouldn't really mean all that much.

But, to be honest, I also asked Lathan to show FPS during the stream last night. 😁

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9 minutes ago, Space4Ace said:

7 Days to Die is not a firearm simulator. You point the crosshair at something, you shoot.


I'm sure the tire rotation was fine on Lathan's computer, but streaming tends to do that and not make animation smooth.

Since Lathan is also streaming and hosting, FPS wouldn't really mean all that much.

But, to be honest, I also asked Lathan to show FPS during the stream last night. 😁

Pretty dumb comment tbh. No game is a firearm simulator, liberties are always taken for the sake of gameplay. I don't expect proper bullet drop off or anything realistic... I just want proper ADS and such. Is it really such a big thing to ask? I know I am not alone in that either cause I have seen other comments suggesting the same. Look at THIS unfinished mod for example, not sure why they can't just do that like every other modern shooter does. Maybe hire that guy to do it then. 



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8 minutes ago, OgreSlayeR said:

Pretty dumb comment tbh. No game is a firearm simulator, liberties are always taken for the sake of gameplay. I don't expect proper bullet drop off or anything realistic... I just want proper ADS and such. Is it really such a big thing to ask? I know I am not alone in that either cause I have seen other comments suggesting the same. Look at THIS unfinished mod for example, not sure why they can't just do that like every other modern shooter does. Maybe hire that guy to do it then. 



I was recently impressed by this mod. This is still the earliest version, and a lot of things still need to be improved, but it already looks impressive and much better than in the standard game. I hope someday the developers will devote at least a little more time to weapons (and not only firearms), since now it clearly does not have at least some priority. And this is understandable, but still I would like at least small improvements.


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Good too see people talking about the aiming issue. Maybe if we talk about it more then it should be fixed..


I found this when I was going through old alpha videos too make a Archive . 

I member!!!!


5 minutes ago, Adam the Waster said:

Good too see people talking about the aiming issue. Maybe if we talk about it more then it should be fixed..


I found this when I was going through old alpha videos too make a Archive . 

I member!!!!


post for us too go too



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1 hour ago, OgreSlayeR said:

Pretty dumb comment tbh.


...liberties are always taken for the sake of gameplay.



Well exactly. And that's what they probably did. Even Fataal wasn't impressed by an earlier comment about the same subject. And Fataal is the one who originally said that he point the crosshair and shoot, or something similar.


Plus, calling people's comments "dumb" is never a good way to go, TBH. Expect comments you agree or disagree on in a forum... Even if it's not how you like it doesn't mean it's dumb.

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2 hours ago, Alphabeta110 said:

@ смертельный@Роланд

Hello, I do not know if anyone has asked you this question, but I still think that it is relevant for many players, so will there ever be an opportunity in the future with the release of an update, for example 1.1, to play in the world that you created in version 1.0 in 7 days to die - This is an amazing game with a completely destructible world where you can build whatever you want and survive however you want. It's no secret to many what efforts were spent on building your house or dream base, how many hours were spent on it, and I think many are upset by the fact that with the release of the new version of the game there is no way to play on the old map. I understand that there are reasons for this, new buildings, blocks, zombies, objects that did not exist in the previous version, and with updates they cannot appear in the old world out of the blue, but judging by the roadmap, nothing supernatural is planned, so such a scheme may well be this can be implemented with the release of version 1.0 or via version

They said they hope not have after 1.0 not to break saves with updates but it all depends on what needs updated.  Note that you always have the option to export your base as a POI and place it on another map, though some things will need to be redone, like wiring.  But the main structure and stuff would be there.

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17 minutes ago, Space4Ace said:

Well exactly. And that's what they probably did. Even Fataal wasn't impressed by an earlier comment about the same subject. And Fataal is the one who originally said that he point the crosshair and shoot, or something similar.


Plus, calling people's comments "dumb" is never a good way to go, TBH. Expect comments you agree or disagree on in a forum... Even if it's not how you like it doesn't mean it's dumb.

The reason I said your comment was dumb was because your only argument against adding proper ADS in the game is that 7 Days to Die is not a firearms simulator which makes zero sense. Having a proper immersive ADS that functions like every other modern FPS on the market now doesn't have any negative impact on the game nor does it turn it into some military sim from it's more arcadey style.


There's no reason to try and reinvent the ADS wheel with the bad looking misaligned sights and crosshair on top of it. just don't see any arguments of why it shouldn't be changed except for their own laziness. Why even have ADS then if it's just going to be half assed?


People can disagree with me all they want (although they have questionable taste imo), but actually give a proper well thought out argument against it.

Edited by OgreSlayeR (see edit history)
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@faatal Hello! I have one question. Why in the last stream of the developers were all the animals with old models (chicken, snake, vulture, wolf, bear, zombie bear)? After all, you showed us all ready-made new models with a new fur shader?

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20 minutes ago, OgreSlayeR said:

The reason I said your comment was dumb was because your only argument against adding proper ADS in the game is that 7 Days to Die is not a firearms simulator which makes zero sense. Having a proper immersive ADS that functions like every other modern FPS on the market now doesn't have any negative impact on the game nor does it turn it into some military sim from it's more arcadey style.


There's no reason to try and reinvent the ADS wheel with the bad looking misaligned sights and crosshair on top of it. just don't see any arguments of why it shouldn't be changed except for their own laziness. Why even have ADS then if it's just going to be half assed?


People can disagree with me all they want (although they have questionable taste imo), but actually give a proper well thought out argument against it.

You could have apologized first, then make your comment about why you think someone's comment is "dumb".


Here is FATAAL's comment I was mentioning:

"It is a purist thing as in caring how real guns work vs video games. If you don't look at the iron sights, and treat it like a video game, then it works fine. Aiming by putting the + on the target and clicking a button to hopefully hit the target is pretty important. It works when used in that way, but no, it is not setup like aiming a real gun with iron sights. It would be nice to make the iron sights line up and remove the strafing gun sway as I don't like that..."


You care about guns being accurate, and some other people don't. TFP knows about this and it's low priority, or they would have fixed it a long time ago. End of story.

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21 minutes ago, Watermelon said:

@faatal Hello! I have one question. Why in the last stream of the developers were all the animals with old models (chicken, snake, vulture, wolf, bear, zombie bear)? After all, you showed us all ready-made new models with a new fur shader?

Tho I'm not him. The main reason is because the models were not added in that version they were playing yet. If it was the most stable version.  They are going to show it



They still are coming.  Maybe not in experimental but for sure in stable 

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1 hour ago, Space4Ace said:

TFP knows about this and it's low priority...


Kudos! This is the perfect 1.0 answer to every query about why                  is not in the game yet. Remember, folks, no more "it's alpha". Now it's always priorities. 😁


4 hours ago, Alphabeta110 said:

@ смертельный@Роланд

Hello, I do not know if anyone has asked you this question, but I still think that it is relevant for many players, so will there ever be an opportunity in the future with the release of an update, for example 1.1, to play in the world that you created in version 1.0 in 7 days to die - This is an amazing game with a completely destructible world where you can build whatever you want and survive however you want. It's no secret to many what efforts were spent on building your house or dream base, how many hours were spent on it, and I think many are upset by the fact that with the release of the new version of the game there is no way to play on the old map. I understand that there are reasons for this, new buildings, blocks, zombies, objects that did not exist in the previous version, and with updates they cannot appear in the old world out of the blue, but judging by the roadmap, nothing supernatural is planned, so such a scheme may well be this can be implemented with the release of version 1.0 or via version


They will try their best. It's their goal to not break saves. They have to avoid it for console and so that will benefit us on PC as well. 

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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9 hours ago, toores said:

Feature request.

Short press for regular jump and long press for higher jump.


Once you have parkour, it is impossible to enter some of the outside windows because a half-block ledge above a player pushes the player off a building when the jump is higher than regular.

I know you can crouch to "hack" that, but it feels like a design flaw that I have to "hack" a perk in order to play the POI as it was intended.

They first have to address what I've dubbed, the 'hop' bug, which has been confirmed.
What the 'hop' bug is, is that every now and then, at random, when you attempt to jump, your character will stay firmly on the ground, make the jumping sound, and consume  a jump worth of stamina. (This is regardless if you have 0 or 4 points in parkour)

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I don't expect anything near Tarkov level of gun details, but since they started adding the new models in the past few alphas, it has gotten pretty bad. And when older versions of the weapon/model were better in this area, it's hard to be okay with it getting worse just because they made a new model for it. It's something wonky with how the holdtypes are setup because if you have a gun in Unity perfectly level, in game it is pointing up I think? Might be down. But you have to rotate the gun a bit so it looks more level when ADSing. Just seems no effort was put in. Heck even the crosshair is off on a few guns still, and that's simple xml tweaks. The pipe shotgun in 21.2 for example, the crosshair is quite a bit above the front post:


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1 minute ago, bdubyah said:

I don't expect anything near Tarkov level of gun details, but since they started adding the new models in the past few alphas, it has gotten pretty bad. And when older versions of the weapon/model were better in this area, it's hard to be okay with it getting worse just because they made a new model for it. It's something wonky with how the holdtypes are setup because if you have a gun in Unity perfectly level, in game it is pointing up I think? Might be down. But you have to rotate the gun a bit so it looks more level when ADSing. Just seems no effort was put in. Heck even the crosshair is off on a few guns still, and that's simple xml tweaks. The pipe shotgun in 21.2 for example, the crosshair is quite a bit above the front post:


You see that part doesn't bug me.. just you aim it correctly 


This on the otherhand.... 


Ok I promise I'm done! After this 


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1 hour ago, Roland said:


Kudos! This is the perfect 1.0 answer to every query about why                  is not in the game yet. Remember, folks, no more "it's alpha". Now it's always priorities. 😁



They will try their best. It's their goal to not break saves. They have to avoid it for console and so that will benefit us on PC as well. 

They have even less of an excuse imo now that it's coming out of "alpha" or going to 1.0, whatever you want to call it now. I just don't understand why something basic and important of how your guns handle is low priority. It should have been changed like 2 alphas ago when the guns were reskinned and animations changed..


Just so you know I am not alone in wanting this fixed (ignoring the support in this thread already) look at the top liked comment in this video. Honestly it gives a pretty bad impression of the game being janky and cheap and I would assume they don't want that impression. I would hope anyway.. Anyway I have said my piece on it enough now so I am done.


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Looking at the gameplay for 1.0 it looks to me that they fixed the excessive weapon inertia/ sway. The gun would lag behind when you were aiming and it got even worse when you sprinted. Your noodle arms felt like they were sliding all over the screen. Probably my top gripe about the game. Thank you to whom ever changed that.

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