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Hi there,

Nice second devstream, way better (technically) than the first one. Both were interesting btw.


Very happy to see where 7 days is going to. Slower progression, making early game longer is the best announcement of all 1.0 news from my point of view because it's my favorite part of the game.


There's a little thing I didn't really understand regarding the dew collector.

With the appropriate mod, there will be 6 actual jars per day to pick up with 6 slots in the dew collector ?

Or is the rate accelerated and we will have 2x3 jars to pickup per day ?

The water filter is still a trader thing ? We won't be able to craft it ?


What about the durability of the vehicle when you drive on zombies ? The cam was over the durability bar.

Does the mod negate all damage, 50%, 10% ?


It's not devstream related, but I often have confusion to locate zombies. When you're inside a building, it is sometimes hard to figure out if a zombie is above, under, outside, inside, or how far he is. Is there something planned to enhance spacial localisation ?


Is there something planned regarding zombie's AI during hordes ? Engineers zombie AI is one of the most griefs oldschoolers have. I really like those, I started and learned the game with a21, so it helps. But I tried a16, and it's true that horde nights were less repetitive, and more unpredictable. What I think is that we could have engineer zombies that path like today. But maybe add brute zombies that go straight and destroy everything between them and you. Maybe some zombies specialized in piling up to jump above your walls, things like that. Is there something on track regarding this aspect ?


Hi there,

Nice second devstream, way better (technically) than the first one. Both were interesting btw.


Very happy to see where 7 days is going to. Slower progression, making early game longer is the best announcement of all 1.0 news from my point of view because it's my favorite part of the game.


There's a little thing I didn't really understand regarding the dew collector.

With the appropriate mod, there will be 6 actual jars per day to pick up with 6 slots in the dew collector ?

Or is the rate accelerated and we will have 2x3 jars to pickup per day ?

The water filter is still a trader thing ? We won't be able to craft it ?


What about the durability of the vehicle when you drive on zombies ? The cam was over the durability bar.

Does the mod negate all damage, 50%, 10% ?


It's not devstream related, but I often have confusion to locate zombies. When you're inside a building, it is sometimes hard to figure out if a zombie is above, under, outside, inside, or how far he is. Is there something planned to enhance spacial localisation ?


Is there something planned regarding zombie's AI during hordes ? Engineers zombie AI is one of the most griefs oldschoolers have. I really like those, I started and learned the game with a21, so it helps. But I tried a16, and it's true that horde nights were less repetitive, and more unpredictable. What I think is that we could have engineer zombies that path like today. But maybe add brute zombies that go straight and destroy everything between them and you. Maybe some zombies specialized in piling up to jump above your walls, things like that. Is there something on the roads regarding this aspect ?


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