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6 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

There might be NDA´s as already meantioned. But that doesn´t mean you need to serve some made up reason. Simply say, there is legal reasons and we can´t talk about it yet.

And yet if they said simply, "We're going to call it 1.0" and didn't include any explanation at all, then everyone (including probably you), would be complaining about that.  They aren't going to tell us the details about private business decisions between them and Sony or Microsoft.  So they either tell us absolutely nothing (pitchforks come out) or tell us a half truth like they did (still pitchforks, but fewer).  There isn't a perfect option for them when they aren't going to tell you the specific details.  And there's no reason they should have to either.  Besides, I thought it was pretty clear that this move was almost guaranteed to be due to Microsoft or Sony, so they let you read between the lines to find out the (likely) truth as it was.  That's enough.

7 hours ago, khzmusik said:


Question about how the post-1.0 roadmap will match the current alpha development cycle.


There are currently three post-roadmap releases/goals: "Storm's Brewing," "A New Threat", and "The Road Ahead".


Are these going to be equivalent to new alpha versions? (So "Storm's Brewing" would be A23, etc.)

If so, will there be breaking changes to the code or game mechanics, or will these updates necessarily be compatible with the 1.0 game, with the changes mainly being additional content? (I'm specifically asking for modders like myself, I'd like to know if mods for 1.0 will still work in post-1.0 versions.)


2 hours ago, Jamie mallinder said:

I have a question now the game is version 1.0 does this mean we won't have to start over when they release the upcoming content patches?

As SylenThunder mentioned, this was responded to earlier.  In short, they are planning on trying to keep you from needing to start new games with these updates but cannot guarantee it won't be required.  They will try to make the saves at least possible to load.  Mods should work similar to saves and probably are less likely to break.  The biggest thing that may break are POI if they change blocks again in any of the releases.


That being said, I would not expect the bandit release to work properly without starting a new game.  It changes too much for that, imo.



6 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

There might be NDA´s as already meantioned. But that doesn´t mean you need to serve some made up reason. Simply say, there is legal reasons and we can´t talk about it yet.

And yet if they said simply, "We're going to call it 1.0" and didn't include any explanation at all, then everyone (including probably you), would be complaining about that.  They aren't going to tell us the details about private business decisions between them and Sony or Microsoft.  So they either tell us absolutely nothing (pitchforks come out) or tell us a half truth like they did (still pitchforks, but fewer).  There isn't a perfect option for them when they aren't going to tell you the specific details.  And there's no reason they should have to either.  Besides, I thought it was pretty clear that this move was almost guaranteed to be due to Microsoft or Sony, so they let you read between the lines to find out the (likely) truth as it was.  That's enough.

7 hours ago, khzmusik said:


Question about how the post-1.0 roadmap will match the current alpha development cycle.


There are currently three post-roadmap releases/goals: "Storm's Brewing," "A New Threat", and "The Road Ahead".


Are these going to be equivalent to new alpha versions? (So "Storm's Brewing" would be A23, etc.)

If so, will there be breaking changes to the code or game mechanics, or will these updates necessarily be compatible with the 1.0 game, with the changes mainly being additional content? (I'm specifically asking for modders like myself, I'd like to know if mods for 1.0 will still work in post-1.0 versions.)


2 hours ago, Jamie mallinder said:

I have a question now the game is version 1.0 does this mean we won't have to start over when they release the upcoming content patches?

As SylenThunder mentioned, this was responded to earlier.  In short, they are planning on trying to keep you from needing to start new games with these updates but cannot guarantee it won't be required.  They will try to make the saves at least possible to load.


That being said, I would not expect the bandit release to work properly without starting a new game.  It changes too much for that, imo.

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