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[Wish] True Feral Mode, or option for daytime


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I was playing with Feral mode on again, and was thinking that it would benefit the mode a lot to have an option of having all zombies feral, not just the 1-5 waves at night time. Or maybe having feral hordes coming in waves, instead of the regular ones. I wouldn't want to change the current setting, but add this for more "Feral Experience". Another thing I would really appreciate would be a possibility to set the zombie memory to up to 5 minutes, instead of the current 90s maximum.
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open command console and enter : [QUOTE]spawnwanderinghorde[/QUOTE] or use [QUOTE]se [/QUOTE] command where player is your player number and item 1 - zombie04 2 - zombie05 3 - zombie06 4 - zombie07 5 - zombie01 6 - zombiecrawler 7 - snowzombie01 8 - snowzombie02 9 - snowzombie03 10 - spiderzombie 11 - zombiespider 12 - burntzombie 13 - zombiegal01 14 - zombiegal02 15 - zombiegal03 16 - zombiegal04 17 - zombie02 18 - fatzombiecop 19 - fatzombie 20 - hornet 21 - zombiedog they in as many waves and frequence you want :P
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