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Skills and backpack reset on day 63


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I have approx, 90 hours on Alpha 21 and was on day 63.  I experienced a power outage that shut down the PC and subsequently the game while playing.  Upon restarting the game, it was as if I just started on day one, but my base's, vehicles, and uncovered map was still as it was left but everything else that was equip and skills has been removed and reset.  Is there any way to get the skills and gear back (Ie: loading a previous save)?https://imgur.com/a/VhCP0Zi

Edited by Lastdaytolive (see edit history)
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You can get your skills back with the giveselfxp command, and you can get your inventory back from the creative menu.

You can get your questing tiers back using the command "givequest tierx_test_turnin" where x is a number from 1 through 6

representing the tier quest you want to complete.

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