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People with hand/wrist/arm pain could benefit from autorun option

Doctor Mobius

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I have difficulty with my wrists at times, when I type a lot.  This is made especially difficult on large maps, on 7 days to die.  Long journeys to far off quests require me to hold down both R, and sprint (shift in my case) for long periods of time.  This has begun to give me more severe pain in my arm, and even my shoulder. 

I'm certain there are other people who have similar problems, and likely even more, who would simply like to have an auto run key, and a key to toggle sprint on and off.  I've seen on the forums, that there are workarounds for this, however many people will never look on the forums, or not feel comfortable trying to create their own workaround. 

These seem like simple additions, that would make life easier for a lot of players, both in game, and in the real world.  Please give them due consideration as a quality of life, and as quality of real life additions to the game.

     - DM


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I have perfectly fine hands and I wouldn't mind an auto-run.


Then again people who have actual pain issues with using a keyboard will probably benefit greatly from learning to create keyboard macros and such. Give a man a fish or teach him to fish, I suppose .. :)

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