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(A21) Preppocalypse


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I just pushed a new update for Preppocalypse that will allow more Preppocalypse POIs to appear. They have a higher chance that default POIs.


If you want even more follow these instructions:


1. Open the Config / rwgmixer.xml file in the A21-Preppocalypse folder.

2. At the bottom you will see:


    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="carlot_02_prepper" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="evildeadcabin01_prepper" min_count="8" max_count="12" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="prepper_bunker80_01" min_count="8" max_count="12" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="prepper_countryresidentialbunker01" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="prepper_Floppy_Games_Workshop_Medusa" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="prepper_mine80_01" min_count="8" max_count="12" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="prepper_preppo_bunker42_01" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="prepper_stonecave_01_arramus" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="prepper_wildernesscabin01" min_count="8" max_count="12" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="preppo_gas_station_09" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>    
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="preppo_gas_station_10" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="preppo_skyscraper_04" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="preppo_TheCompound" min_count="8" max_count="12" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="preppo_store_hardware_02" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="store_book_01_prepper" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="store_clothing_02_prepper" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>    
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="store_clothing_02_prepper" min_count="5" max_count="10" bias="5"/>
    <prefab_spawn_adjust partial_name="trader_jen_hugh_joel_tech" min_count="3" bias="15"/>

These are all of the specific Preppocalypse POIs being given a minimum and maximum weighting along with a bias. In a test World, many of those maximum counts were applied. This is particularly in the Wilderness area. In some locations, it doesn't reach the Maximum but does exceed the Minimum. One example is the Stone Cave POI. The Preppocalypse Trio Trader allowed 2 to appear. However, I was expected that to occur sometimes because there is so much competition with other traders and these are just weighting recommendations based on available space and balance.


To increase these further, simply increase the min_count and max_count to your own preferences. Each regular POI has a bias of 1. Adding 5 gives it more probability, but within reason. Increasing that higher will also give it more chance to reach its Maximum.


I did not change the Old West towns. They have a huge amount of custom POIs but only 1 is a Preppocalypse type. It already appears enough since the Old West towns are much larger than usual. See how you get on with this update when making Worlds, and toggle the settings as needed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a small update for Preppocalypse:


1. Wild Wheat and Wheat Flour have been added to recipe items associated with the Chicken Coops. This is because the sandwich and quiche are generally wheat based and this better fits the context. This update was also added to the original Oakraven Collection Chicken Coops. Wild Wheat is found when harvesting the 'grass' and is governed by Living off the Land. 30 Wild Wheat will make 1 Wheat Flour. A player with Living off the Land Skill 3 will be inundated with Wild Wheat and give extra quality of life to players who prefer to specialise in that role.



2. Zombie Eagle.

Oakraven kindly shared a Zombie Eagle, and it has been added to various biomes. It also has a small chance to appear in POIs at places we meet the Vultures. It has higher health than the vultures, but will be rarer. Thank you to Oakraven for this addition.


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It will help if you are able to share your player log for when attempting to create player. If this is happening in the Mod Launcher, player logs can be accessed here, if it has been installed using the default location:

C:\7D2D\Alpha21\Preppocalypse_(A21)\Preppocalypse_(A21) and output_log.txt


If you have installed in the game Mods folder, it is here:



This link explains how to update your logs to pastebin which is a suggestion from the game developers.


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My friend and I still love all the work you put into this mod and how often you update it.  I am wondering though on what your thoughts and plans are for when Alpha 22 (ver 1.0) comes out?  From what information I've seen, there will be a lot of changes and wondering if you will devote time to that or just keep updating your mod for Alpha 21.  Either way, I am sure there are many that will support you for whichever path you plan to follow.

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Preppocalypse was started towards the very end of A20, with a view to releasing it for early A21.
A21 Experimental was released on June 13. A21 Preppocalypse was released on June 18. A21 required a pretty intensive review since there had been pretty much 18 months between A20 and A21.


There is every intention to release Preppocalypse for A22. Since A22 will be released as Experimental first, it will provide modders some time to update before Stable is released.
It'll be added to the Mod Launcher as 'Preppocalypse' with no reference to A22. 1.0, Experimental or Stable since it will be based on the most recent A22 release regardless of the type. The explanation in the download area will clearly show any transitions between Exp. and Stable. and players who prefer not to update when each Exp. is dropped can simply turn off auto update and stick to the last Stable version. Those who are good to update to Exp. can keep updating as usual.

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The Old West Migration Mod received a new POI, and by association it has also been added to Preppocalypse.


Picture House Inferno

This is a T4 POI hooked up to all quest types for that expansion T5 Infested. It sits on the 25 x 50 area and will compete with the Liberty Bank. This will help to reduce Liberty Bank appearances as a town can often see duplicates. It has a 'bunker' basement area to provide extra routing for a longer POI play through.


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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse:


1. Navezgane Humanitarian Daily Ration - Navezgane HDR

This Navezgane Humanitarian Daily Ration (Navrat) is intended to contain a full daily food supply of approximately 2,200 calories. Preppo Security Corporation is under government contract to air drop Nazrats from time to time, and they can be found in supply drop loot, quest loot, and other locations. They have a base price of 840 Dukes when found at the traders, but are nutritious and curative and worth the cost for desperate times.


This image shows a collection of sachet type packages that make up the Navezgane HDR. The combination effect provides the nutritious and balanced meal. For low level players, that will bring a lot of restorative properties. For higher level players, it will still be effective. This Navrat was found in an air drop as part of one of the food supplies. drop



From time to time, they can also be found at the traders, or in vending machines... for a price. They will also be seen in quest loot for that Prepper storage context.



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A few things I've found.


I forget the name of the quest line but you are sent to get oil shale, and it is not even close to enough to finish the next stage. Every other step if I recall you do collect enough materials to proceed.


The iron crossbow has Autoreload while the top tier compound crossbow does not. Oversight, or intentional?


I looted a couple thrownAmmoFlares but they don't seem to have any purpose.

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1 hour ago, seven said:

The iron crossbow has Autoreload while the top tier compound crossbow does not. Oversight, or intentional?



Ah, vanilla bug causing invisible bolts so I assume intentional to avoid confusion.

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Correct. The Compound Crossbow would have certainly been given the auto reload feature it is was appropriate and that would have caused more trouble (and posts) than it was worth.


thrownAmmoFlares were removed about a week ago in update 3e6b1d5 for the Mod Launcher listings. They appear to be a remnant feature the devs may have considered for a decoy event, and were added unintentionally for Pipe Bombs, which have now taken their place.


The Gas quest used to request 10,000 in the beginning of A21. The devs pushed a pretty early update which changed the recipe value of Shale and the cost of Gas to increase the requirement to mine for more or spend more. Vehicles also saw the salvage amounts drop. The Shale requirement was dropped and the Gas amount also dropped to 8888 with bundled crafting, salvaging, and looting volumes in mind. However, it does need to be recalibrated to match the 1:2 ratio of non bundled amounts plus the 120 shale requirement for the Drill Gas. Now that A21 is very much at it's final stage, the next update will add those rebalanced values to be an exact match, even though players may already have Gas Cans and Drill Cans in stock which offsets the need to process the Shale at all. 'Craft' will also be changed to 'Collect' for the Gas amount since it is a fetch requirement rather than a craft requirement. Workstations require the player to be there at the end of production which is not at all viable.

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And there's the update. Gas Can requirements now match for 2000 Oil Shale for regular Chemistry Table production. The Goal of these Quests is to introduce new features as much as anything, rather than be a grind. As such, the amount of Gas Cans required drops to 2800 with the remaining 600 Oil Shale being used for the 5 Drill Gas Cans. The chances are players may well have already collected these volumes which will avoid the need to mine for it. The description also reflects this possibility.

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Here is a small addition to Preppocalypse:


1 Wine Mine Fine

This is a T4 POI covering all quest types. It sits in the Old West Town tiling system, and was just added to the Old West Migration Mod. As such, it also migrates into Preppocalypse. Thank you to SpecBytes, Tabby, and Cemblack for sharing these POIs which they are using in their current Wild West Mod play through. They will also be added to the Wild West Mod, once they have been given some aging to remove modern features.





SpecBytes current Wild West Mod play through, where these player bases can be seen in a custom Fort can be viewed here.

She is very supportive of the modding community, and any likes or subscribes will be appreciated as it's what keeps them sharing.


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Posted (edited)

Here is a small update for Preppocalypse.


1. Blacksmith Cabin

The Old West Migration Mod added Blacksmith Cabin as a T2 Quest POI, and by association it is added to Preppocalypse.

This is the first dedicated metal works type POI for the Old West Migration Mod and adds to the default version in the base game. The Old West Migration Mod will continue to add more POIs to reduce duplication since the Old West Town has grown quite substantially, and Preppocalypse will match.



Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse:


Trader Prepper Bob

Bob's POI has been updated for 2 features.

- Adding a Helipad and CB Radio for future compliance. In addition Alter's trader teleport mod utilises the CB radios and this will provide closer adherence.

- Back door has been changed to swinging iron doors to allow a player to drive from front to back directly.







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Here is an optional 6K custom RWG for A21 for anyone who prefers not to update to Preppocalypse during the experimental update stage for A22 (1.0), and waits for the stable build. There is a small spoiler image once opening the link a little past the download link area. It shows the custom biome, trader placements, and start point. It does not show POIs and specific cities.



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Preppocalypse Preppo8K02 World was updated to include the 3 new Old West POIs.

There are 4 Old West Towns in Preppo8K02 and each town receives 1 of each.

These replace 1 instance of the Liberty Bank since each town has 2, some of the low tier Strip POIs, and some of the remnant non quest POIs.

These changes reduce some of the duplication and increase the opportunities for T4 and the T5 Infested Quest to give the Old West greater longevity.

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Here's a small update for Preppocalypse:


- Super Meat Stew

This recipe is an upgrade to Meat Stew with Super Corn replacing Corn. It will unlock at the same time as Hobo Stew for Crafting Skill 32. It provides the same stamina boost as Hobo Stew at 30, but with a little extra Food, Health, and Water gain to reflect the addition of Super Corn. This provides Super Corn an additional function since it becomes a sustainable farming crop in Preppocalypse.


Here are some images to demonstrate.



Level 32 Unlock alongside Hobo Stew.



- Food Progression display

For compliance, Prepper food groups show their unlock as:

Tier 1: Bacon n Eggs and Coffee & Preppo Pack I
(unlocks multiple Preppocalypse food recipes)

Tier 2: Steak and Potato Meal & Preppo Pack II
(unlocks multiple Preppocalypse food recipes)

Tier 3: Hobo Stew & Super Meat Stew

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Here's an update for Preppocalyse:


1. Fish Trap Water Collector and Fish Trap Water.

The fish traps have been a challenge at times due to how loot % works for 7 Days and the rate of bringing in a Catfish.

However, it's a fun feature and has seen continual updates to give it better value while maintaining the challenge.


This addition of a Fish Trap Water Collector and Fish Trap Water will further add to the Fish Trap feature for Quality of Life.

Here is how it works.


1. Make a Fish Trap Water Collector on your player or workbench with the same resources you would use to make a Dew Collector. There are no unlock requirements for the Fish Trap Water Collector.


2. Over time, and this is a fast process, the Fish Trap Water Collector will fill up with Fish Trap Water. This is terrain water used in POIs as a placeable block. It has been stable to use on dedicated servers and is the best option for this purpose.


3. Collect the Fish Trap Water and place it like you would a regular block in an appropriate area for your Fish Trap farm pool.


4. Continually add the Fish Trap Water until it reaches a level that suits your needs. If it spills over, mop it up with a Bucket.


This will allow players to top up existing water locations to an appropriate height or start new water farm pools in places such as roadside run offs. Here are a few images to demonstrate.


Craft your Fish Trap Water Collector. It uses the same model as the Dew Collector with a custom icon and description.



The description explains how it collects Fish Trap Water at an accelerated rate. You can also break down the Fish Trap Water Collector to get back your water filter.



Just as with a Dew Collector, Fish Trap Water begins to collect immediately. However, since it collects at a much faster rate, preparing the pool and collecting water can be done in real time without any need to go off for a while as it collects. Simply empty frequently to accumulate as much as you need.



12:03 placement with 1 Fish Trap Water collected by 12:09 on a 75 minute day.



The icon will show as the Fish Trap Water for collection.



The description shares that it can be used just like placing a regular block.



You don't even have to be touching the block on the farm pool bed. As long as it's placed on the side wall, it will drop into whatever catchment area is available.



Sufficiently dug and filled by 14:35 in game.



I dug a deeper trench to ensure I can be fully submersed to trigger the 'Bait Fish Trap' requirement.



I've watched a lot of players and streamers struggling with urban type Fish Farms and with existing water pools, and this will provide some Quality of Life assistance. The Fish Trap Water is added to serve one simple purpose; to fill up your Fish Trap farm pools without needing to visit Creative Menu.


This test was performed in an existing save on a dedicated server. There were no warnings in the console or log, and no existing blocks saw any issues. It is only Day 6 on this play through though, and ensure you make a back up if you update with this new feature since it does add a new block. In the code, it has been added at the end. This was not an issue with the addition of the Ammo Press on an existing save, but backing up allows a roll back just in case.

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Here's a small update for Preppocalypse, and further adds to bring additional Quality of Life to the Fish Trap farming:


1. Crawfish have been added as a loot item for the Fish Traps.

2. Crawfish Boil uses the Crawfish in a recipe. It unlocks at the same time as Tacos.

3. Canned food and vegetables are removed from Fish Trap loot. They are realistic enough with water flow, but more appropriate drift items have been added instead such as tree seeds, wild wheat, wild rice, and other resources that would drop into a river.



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Here's a small update for Preppocalypse, and once again adds a recipe for the Fish Traps.


1. Crawfish Risotto

This dish is comparable to Mushroom Rice and unlocks with the Prepper II Recipes. It offers a hunter/gatherer type recipe with the Can of Stock being a more modern loot gather item.





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Here is an update for Preppocalypse:


1. Preppo Wasted Pass 'n' Gas

The remnant Wasted Pass 'n' Gas POI offers no quest capability, but does give that additional level of destruction to keep the aesthetics in context. This update adds a Preppo Wasted Pass 'n' Gas variant. It adds some custom features to the surface, but the bulk is taken underground in a classic bunker setup. This is a T4 POI hooked up for all quest types for the additional T5 Infested option.




2. Molteny Mine from the Old West Migration Mod has been updated to offer a little more stability and reduce collapses. Stability comes in the form of a stone helper with better stability that the terrain helper. This has shown better stability in other mine POIs of this nature. These boxes are the stone pillars and they are placed by weaker areas with a lack of vertical strength.



3. POI Bias

Prepper POIs are appearing a lot more in RWG since their bias to appear was increased to 500%. This has been reduced to 400% to give default POIs a little more chance.

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Here is an update for Preppocalypse:


1. Adding 'Homegrown Hydroponics' to the Old West. This POI is T2 and hooked up to all quest types.



2. Prepper Trader Bob has been given a Trader Flag to replace the Whiteriver Flag for compliance with other trader compounds.


3. The Machete base hit per minute has been increased from 55 to 70 to give it greater balance again high end entities and to promote its use for the party girl quest.

Preppo8K02 and Preppo 6K have both been updated to add the new POI for the Old West. Preppo8K02 also replaces an instance of Trader Rekt with Trader Tech-Trio in the second Pine Forest town closest to the starting location since Rekt is somewhat obsolete with Preppo's generous farming features.

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Here is a small update:


- Vehicle Mod Schematics can be found in quest loot at a low chance to offset the reduction of appearances in loot and trader inventory due to custom content.


And a small 6K World for June.


It has a little customisation for the Biome to add Burnt Forest and ensure each Biome has a Trader. It will take a little time for Moddb to scan and approve.

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  • 2 months later...

sorry. It is said that it is compatible with V1b333.
The dedicated map Preppo8K02 is said to be unsupported.
"Prefab that matched the dedicated map"
could you please tell me?

・Once you get the prefab
I'm going to take that and randomly generate it.



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