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(A21) Preppocalypse


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On 9/23/2023 at 1:28 AM, arramus said:

Here is small update for Preppocalypse.


Misha Bunny Clothing POI

This POI is TFP's Store_02 converted to Preppo style. It has been upgraded to a T4 POI with T5 Infested for all quest types. It is called Misha Bunny Clothing in recognition of BunnyNZ (Misha) @BunnyNZ who has completed her 30th Preppocalypse stream. As a 60 x 60 POI for Commercial tiles, it will not cause any noticeable loss if it replaces any other TFP style of POI since it is a conversion of the Savage Country clothing store, which already supported a variety of assets. Misha Bunny Clothing further expands on that variety, while adding some unique internal features of its own.



You made me a shop!! Thank you so much, that is so cool. I love your mod @arramus Thank You!!


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Here's a small update for Preppocalypse.


1. Evil Zed Cabin

This is a T2 hooked up to fetch, clear, and infested. It is modelled on the Knowby Cabin from Evil Dead 1 and 2 and any variants thereafter. The left side copies the layout in Evil Dead 1 and the right side is more like Evil Dead 2. The cellar is what it is. ^^ And other things...


This is just a harmless little cabin in the wilderness. The path disappeared for some reason.


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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse.


1. Prepper Paindeer.

This creature will appear in all biomes, but has the best chance to be found in the Snow Biome. It will also appear during a Blood Moon event. It has been added to the Animal Hunting Quest at the same stage as the Stag. It is easy to spot at night since its nose is a beacon on light. It can be harvested for rotting meat just as with the other 'animals' of this nature. It is quite fast and best not to get too close until you are ready for it.


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Here is another entity for Preppocalypse.


1. Fragger.

The predecessor for Fragger was Snufkin's Juggernaut. The emphasis for Fragger is fragmentation damage where the Juggernaut was both fragging and high explosives. Fragger will certainly cause damage to a base, but will not melt it. As such it will make occasional appearances rather than the Juggernaut's rare appearances.

It can be found in all of the biomes but only at a very low rate, unless you visit the Wasteland. It will also appear during Horde Night at about 20% the chance of a Scorcher. It's chance to appear will increase proportionally as Game Stage increases. As with the Scorcher, its ability to detonate has been removed. Since it will appear less, it's chance to drop a 'boss' loot bag is at 50% upon elimination. It can also be harvested in the same way as other entities.


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Here is a small update for Preppocalyse.


1. Snow Biome Deco POIs.

Here are a couple of deco POIs which appear randomly in the snow biome. They are small additions to complement the new A21 POIs that were added to perform a similar feature but through the regular RWG POI placement. The difference with these ones is they are random and can appear multiple times but placed far apart. These have also been added to the Old West Migration Mod which is integrated into Preppocalypse.


2. Other deco POIs for the desert and pine forest were given a small update, and spawning chance, since A21 new items are competing for space and deco POIs were very rarely appearing.

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Here is a small A21 update balance.


1. Increase Quest Magazine rewards box from 3 to 5

A number of players have commented that crafting books are becoming redundant for certain skills since they are finding better tiered weapons in loot way before reaching the same crafting level. They also tend to skip purchasing from traders since the pricing is not favorable for the minimal gain they'll receive. From T2 quest rewards, the crafting book quest reward becomes common place and this update makes it more worthwhile with the potential to receive 5 types of magazine (2 each), instead of 3. The A21 blocks for construction and additional items opened up in the recipes for Preppocalypse appear to be keeping that side of things comfortable, and this small tester will see if it puts a little more weighting on the crafting side of things for weapons and tools as well, since Preppocalypse is a little more weighted on self reliance.

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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse:


1. Archery Reload Mod

This mod further expands the ability of Bow weapons to be used in higher Game Stage. When attached to a Bow or Crossbow as a Mod, it increases reload speed by 15% in a similar way the Bandolier Mod increases reload speed for rifles, handguns, etc.



Four very specific Mods for the Bow provide reload speed, additional entity damage, accuracy, and velocity.


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Pushed a last update for Preppocalypse for now since it appears to have reached an A21 balance, and planned additions were realised.

Additional updates for the future will be:


- More custom POIs.
- Rebalancing or bug fixing where necessary.


1. Trader Preppo-Tech Trio

This trader supports 3 traders at once and can appear in the commercial tiles or gateway tiles at the 'entrance' to a town type tiling system.

The traders are Jen, Hugh, and Joel. Bob already has his own Trader area in the Old West and Rekt is supported by the A19 type farming.

The trade off is reduced appearance opportunity. Where a regular Trader has a distance of 1000 between similar types, this one is increased to 1200 to reduce the chances of appearing, but to still ensure it is a feature.


The front is a simple looking compound with surrounding car parking area. The teleport for closing time covers the whole internal compound, a truck and container, as well as a rear ranger tower to ensure they aren't exploited.



There is an entrance to the rear as well and that also shows the two Helipad landing areas.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a small update for Preppocalypse with a recipe that was planned a while back but missed out. ^^


1. Blueberry Bread Pudding
A simple Tier 2 type recipe that makes use of the Bee Hive Honeycomb and Sham Sandwich as part of the ingredients.



2. Additional deco POIs

There are a couple more deco POIs that will appears in the Pine Forest and Snow Biomes. These will just add a little more variety to these biomes and appear randomly as players open up these regions.



3. Rebalancing

- A few small rebalancing changes were added to increase the deco POIs appearing in the Desert Biome as they became rarer in A21. The addition of new Desert 'driftwood' may be competing for space.

- The Honey Pie recipe was also placed under cooking skills as intended.

- Red Tea and Mineral Water reduces stamina drain by -15% per level by default, and this has been changed to -20% to slightly increase their effectiveness. All other benefits remain the same.

- Special quest book bundles have increased from 3 to 5 since many items still appear in loot at a higher level than players can craft them even when they are specialising in that perk. The aim of the crafting skills was inferred to allow players to be one step ahead of loot, but potentially one step behind trader stock, with the high cost trade off. This small change does bring some rebalance.
- Preppo Trader Trio was given a forge as that had been neglected.

- All vehicles were given a slightly increased hop to assist dedicated server dynamics where things don't always synchronise appropriately. This brings greater allowances in early/late timing for players from different regions and will reduce getting stuck in dips, fencing, etc.

- The Queen Bee has a small chance of being found in stumps.

- The Dew Collector will return to the player inventory in full when broken, just as with the initial release of A21. It will also reduce its heat allowance to give player the option to place a few without constant visits from a screamer horde.


These updates were tested on an existing World on a dedicated server and player saves were safe.

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, reward19 said:

I like Preppocalypse, but tell me how to upload the files to a server. g-portal needs a zip file to help. Where can I get this. Thanks

G-Portal allows us to upload with a zip file, or directly through FTP with an application like FileZilla.

If you're not familiar with FTP, then just a zip file version is best.


A21 Preppocalypse can be downloaded from here as a zip file.


You can also download it manually by visiting the main page first here. If the G-Portal tech team are helping, then they may wish to download manually so they can verify where it comes from.

On that page, click on the green Code tab and select Download ZIP.


However, the folder you need for G-Portal requires going down a couple of folder layers as follows:


A21-Preppocalypse-main.zip (This is the name of the zipped folder that is downloaded)
Inside there is A21-Preppocalypse-main folder. And inside there is a Mods folder. The folder you want for the G-Portal Mods folder is inside this Mods folder. It is called A21-Preppocalypse.


Copy and paste that into your G-Portal tech help communication and they can simply follow the instructions.

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The following Vehicle Mods have been tested with Preppocalypse and verified as compatible based on the following:
- No console errors on load out.
- Unlocking and progression worked appropriately when testing Vehicle Crafting Skills Books
- Appeared on the Workbench, or in the case of Vehicle Madness, Vehicle Workbench

In alphabetical order:
Bdubs Vehicles - https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/11875-a21-bdubyahs-modlets/
Oakraven Monobikes - https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/32157-a21-oakraven-collection/

Vehicle Madness - https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/21143-vehicle-madness-a21-beta-30-ver-4/

Not only are they compatible with Preppocalypse, based on the tests, they are also compatible with each other and all 3 Mods can be used at the same time. Now that is vehicle madness extreme.




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Here is a small Quality of Life update for Preppocalypse:

Military Cartons
There are 4 military cartons, empty, cap, full, and tarp covered. All have been made lootable and relootable except the empty one.
The reason is two fold. They look very functional. They are pretty rare beyond military installations.
They will only provide a token gesture reward of ammo. They receive the same amount as you would find in a small ammo pile. Since this loot reward is dependent on Game Stage, it will increase in 'quality' as you progress.

The 'Cap', 'Full Carton', and 'Tarp Covered Full Carton' showing empty loot status.


A Full Carton waiting to be looted.



Level 1 content although the GS for Wasteland will be quite a bit higher and also increase loot modifier.



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Here is an additional custom RWG World for Preppocalypse simply named Preppo8K02.

It has 15 traders of which an instance is the Preppo-Tech Trio. There is only 1 player spawn point in the far North West quite near the border to offer an extra challenge to reach the first trader.

A spoiler for anyone who would like a peak of the 'map'.




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Pushed a further small update to reflect A20 changes and A21 changes mid version.


- Changed wrench to forge for Quest since wrench is a Starter Item and is no longer a prerequisite for a Workbench recipe. The forge is useful before needing to make the pipe weapons just in case pipes are hard to come by.

- Workbench is switched from Craft and Place to just Place since duplication can be a pain at such low GS.

- Reduced Seed recipes by 1 to reflect server admin wishes since an abundance of trees is better in A21, but still not quite ready to be a full on player forest.

- Gas Can fetch from 10000 to 8888 to reflect changes even in A21.0 to A21.1. This is sufficient for the 2000 shale and 5 Gas Drill Cans.

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Here is a small progression update for 2 Skill Perks for Perception and Intelligence.

Treasure Hunter is Reworked to Prepper Stash Hunter with the following:
- 5 Skill Perks unlocking under Perception at attribute 1, 3, 6, 8, 10
- Skills 4 and 5 reduce treasure indicator guide with 2 and 1 block dig to build from 3 and Skill Perk 3
- Skill Perk 4 adds 40% Treasure Gain and known as Bloodhound
- Skill Perk 5 adds 50% Treasure Gain and known as Prepper Stash Hunter


The reason for this update is to provide additional mid/late incentive to continue Treasure Hunting for Buried Quests and Treasure Map Quests.



The Daring Adventurer is Reworked to The Daring Prepper Adventurer with the following:
- 5 Skill Perks unlocking under Intellect at attribute 1, 3, 6, 8, 10
- Skill Perk 5 adds 25% more dukes up from 20% for Skill Perk 4
- A proportional increase for access to better Trader Items

- Skill Perk 5 still only offers 2 quest rewards as with Skill Perk 4. However, 2 quest rewards now unlocks at attribute 8.



These updates range from 'token gesture' to notably generous and are done with mid/high GS in mind, or to reward players who specialize in these tracks from an early GS.



These updates were tested on an existing World, and showed no issue with a current player save.

As always though, if this update is to be used, make backups first in case of the need to roll back.

Edited by arramus
Image (see edit history)
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Here is a small update:

- A21.2 Stable has arrived and sees KhaineGB's lockable player inventory slots removed. This is because this feature has now become default.
KhaineGB's lockable vehicle slots remain just as they are. ^^

- Caught Chicks at 150% server loot were dropping at 1-2.5% with only 2 found from 145 nests. This is clearly not working out with their 'very low' 5% setting which should increases on 150% servers. As a tester, Caught Chicks are changed to 'low' 20% setting. We shall see if this is too much and change according if it is. There is no default 10% loot drop and making one can upset the default settings. An alternative may be tree harvest drops as that is not dependent on loot % values for the server and remains consistent. This could be paired with reducing nests in the World overall since they are relootable. Chickens make 'nests' in bushes and under trees so the context is possible.

And here is the start of a stream from Eduho who posts in this forum. It is in Spanish and it's nice to see an introduction for Spanish speakers. It is also using the Preppo8K02 World which offers a little more of a story feel about it for the first starting spawn point.



Edited by arramus
Caught Chicks (see edit history)
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Here is a small update for the Caught Chicks:


- Caught Chicks also have a small chance to be harvested from trees to offset loot issues with nests in some circumstances. Harvesting from trees is very reliable.

- Excess Caught Chicks can be added to a recipe for Chick Sticks. These are a snack that offer more food than cans but less than traditional recipes. They have a -5 thirst factor but provide 22 food, and a 1% Infection Cure which is reflective of the Acorn Flour.


A few images to demonstrate. Chopping down a tree has a 5% chance (the same as Queen Bees) to find 1 or 2 Caught Chicks. Chicken often make 'nests' around bushes and at the base of trees and it is in context.



3 Caught Chicks can be used as part of a Chick Sticks recipe. It has no unlock requirement and has trade offs.



It provides 22 food which is a little better than cans and also offers the 1% infection.




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Now that A21.2 has gone stable, here is a last update for Progression.


- Lockpicking has been renamed to Prepper Lockpicking and given the following increases benefits.

No Skill - No change

Skill Perk 1 - 33% Faster unlocking with a 25% reduction in breakage.

Skill Perk 2 - 66% Faster unlocking with a 50% reduction in breakage.

Skill Perk 3 - 100% Faster unlocking with a 75% reduction in breakage.


The reason for this upgrade is simple because lockpicking is not really working out well on dedicated servers. The instant and repetitive chance to break lockpicks even at Skill Perk 3 does not appear to be proportional to the default gains. This allows players to keep some level of skill component without relying on candy.


Here is an image to summarise how this update works. From 20 seconds, to about 16, to about 13, and then to 10 with their sliding reductions in breakage.


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Here are a few animal updates to reflect changes from A20 to A21, and a change from early A21 to A21.2 Stable.


- Animals have been given their timid or hostile tracking features and hooked into Animal Tracking Perk Skill.
- Scaling and decoration has been revised where appropriate.

- Spawning has been re-balanced.


A few images to demonstrate.

This image shows Bad Bunny and Battle Chicken with their red hostile icons. These will appear with Animal Tracking Skill Perk 1.

Both Bad Bunny and Battle Chicken can appear at any time now at a low rate but will be more present during Horde Night.

The Battle Chicken was scaled down a little because the Skull Helmet was scaling up far too big. It is still a little on the big side but has less clipping and is more proportional to its surroundings.



Paindeer has also been given its 'deer' icon in red. Paindeer has seen a slightly increased spawn rate in the Snow Biome to give it context and a location for hunting.



Gory Grace lost her zombie texture due to a recent update in A21. She has now been renamed to G.I. Grace and has a Sensor attachment.



She can be a bit fierce but can't be missed.



In addition to snakes, hostile animals will also be more noticeable once it gets dark...

Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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Here is a small update for Preppocalypse. Again, with animals in mind.


A20 and A21 have not effectively integrated custom loot containers into overhauls. The required values have been inconsistent and there appears to be a potential issue.

This was tested for both Preppocalypse and the Wild West Mod for custom blocks and their containers and things are not working out as well as hoped. Moving to A21.2 has actually made it worse. As such, the Caught Chicks were added to Tree Harvesting.


The same issue has been seen for the Catfish from traps. As a workaround, the Catfish has also been placed in a Bear's mouth. Simply take it from the Bear. ^^


An image to demonstrate. The Bear has a Catfish in its mouth. Eliminate the Bear and Harvest.



Players are guaranteed the one Catfish each time.



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