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A21 Loot Quality


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Hey Everyone!


Loving A21 experimental so far, but I'm having a bit of an issue with loot quality.


This (image) is my hotbar on day 19. Im Level 45-ish, looting in the snow - so its completely reasonable I have purple Iron tools and T2 weapons I think - no problem with that. BUT:

I have never, not a single time, found any of these items in a quality other than 6.

Neither in early game (only found stone stuff in different quality levels), nor later on (only found some of them twice or three times, but always quality 6). Nor have I ever found the "better version" of the items, say a steel tool or auto shotgun.


It seems to me, like they have a way to determine the quality of item you get by "loot stage" or whatever, and a system to determine which Tier of item (like Stone, Iron, Steel) - but for some reason, the quality counter doesnt seem to reset when you jump to the next tier - like if I got tier 5/6 stone, I should then get tier 1/2 iron - but instead I went right to tier 6 Iron, as if the "Quality" was just maxed out due to my gamestage. And I would bet that from Iron Tier 6 I will, at some point, jump straight to Steel/T3 Weapon Quality 6... Anyone else encountering this? Or is it my imagination and luck?


Cant imagine its normal that I find multiple T6 Iron Pickaxes, but never found a single Iron pickaxe of lower quality, nor a single steel pickaxe... This seems rather odd, especially given how gradual the progression with the new magazine system is... And now that I think of it, I have seen a good amount of youtubers, that had the exact same thing happen - e.g. GNS, who found a Iron Fireaxe, Pickaxe and Sledge all Quality 6 in a matter of maybe 5min, but never any other quality afaik.. 





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Oh, so it's you who got all my purple loot? I've found pumpys at tier 2,3 and 4. Not found any of the others at all and had to make mine. At similar stage in game.


I think you are just lucky this time around. As a test, try starting a new game and see if your looting is similar.

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There is no such thing as a Quality counter in the game.  There is a loot probability table for the items and there is no memory retention to what you found previously.


As your loot stage increases, the quality level you will find increases (obviously).  At the same time, lower quality items probability decreases until you won't pull them at all.


For example, T1 items, you start to see Quality 6 items at loot stage 77.  At that point, prob for Q6 is 1 while the others are a fraction (so higher chance to pick a Q6 rather than a Q1 to Q5 item).  At loot stage 93, Q1 items fall off the table.  Once you get to loot stage 123, the only quality probability is for Q6 items.


This is consistent on the quality tables.  As you advance up in loot stage where you unlock the ability to find a higher quality item, it is set at prob = 1 compared to the other items, and will stay at prob=1 until you unlock the next quality level.


Unless there is a bug (which is always possible), you are either A) lucky on this playthrough, or B) forgotten the times you gotten non Q6 items.  You may have found a Q1 fire axe but had a Q6 stone axe that gave you higher stats so you just put that out of your mind.

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