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# ThrowStoneSpear
2023/06/13 jp
Adds the following 3 weapons.
When adding to data already in operation
Please be careful not to overflow the item numbers.
Throwable Spear - Upgraded
You can no longer throw spears at a21.
I said, "Spear power attack
I don't like it because I throw it away and it disappears."
I thought
When playing Asia MOD
I was impressed with the "throwing spear".
However, it became impossible to throw with a21.
So the "throwable spear"
at the same time as adding
We decided to increase the weak basic attack power.

However, throwing iron spears/throwing steel spears
Production is not possible at this time.
Localization is
in english and japanese
teaming up
Rewrite japanese to the language used
Please be translated.
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