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Suggestion: Remote cotrol for Garagedoors and Bridges


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it would be nice to have the ability to craft a "remote control" and "sensor" for garagedoors and bridges.

What i mean and how to use it....


when you come home with your vehicle you can push a button on your gamepad or keyboard (which represent the crafted remote control) to open your garagedoor (while your are still in your vehicle) and when you have entered your home just push the button again to close the door. That's it.


Just like it was in 70's - 80's movies 😉


Thank in advance


Best regards

Edited by Qanon (see edit history)
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I wouldn't be against it and it can have uses at times but motion sensors work fine.  The only time they are at all a pain is when you have too small of an area and the doors won't stay shut because you're always walking/standing within the range of the motion sensor.  For that matter, you can also use trigger plates combined with motion sensors if you want and avoid a lot of that and it would work similar to a remote control except that you'd have to drive over the plate instead of pressing a button.  Again, I'm not against it at all.  Just saying that if they don't add something like that, there are decent options.

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