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Old Blocks Reappering


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I have used admin leveling tools to level the ground in the screenshot, but there is an issue with the textures. It's like they are still there, but they are not. You can see in the third picture that my wooden frames appear the closer I get. Is there a console command to reset these textures to their current status?


To be clear, I don't want to reset the chunk to it's old status. I just want to get rid of this weird glitch which causes these hills to reappear when I go farther, and disappear when I get closer.







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Yeah, unfortunately anything not within a LCB will not update the mesh (if you even have meshes enabled) and so you will still see the original details when you're not close.  And from what Jugginator said, it sounds like even that won't help with terrain (I haven't tried with terrain so I didn't know that).  If you don't mind using the world editor, you may be able to just level the terrain that way and I would think that it would solve your problem. Unless the world editor is what you mean by the admin leveling tools.


If your concern is about seeing your blocks from a distance, you just need to place a land claim block there and make sure you have meshes enabled in your settings and it'll show your blocks from a distance.  You can only have one land claim block active at a time in A20 (that's supposed to be changed in A21).

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