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What Is This Material, And Is There a Better Way of Getting Rid of It?


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The white capsule-shaped thing at the back of the wee caravan-style houses - is there an easy way to get rid of it? Veteran players might know better, but in my experience it's the toughest material I know in the game. I've got a level 4 steel pick and a level 5 iron mallet and I'm still looking at I-don't-know-how-long just to destroy a single block of it, and I know there's a second layer to it that's just as tough. I used an auger in a previous game, but I currently don't have one in this playthrough. I'm wondering if maybe I'm missing a trick here and there's some other way to get rid of it. For example, if I destroy the iron wall block it is affixed to, will it simply fall? I know I can use cheats, but I'd rather not - once you start that you tend to not stop.


Any help appreciated 😁


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That, unfortunately, is made of steel; Which is indeed just about the toughest substance in the game. It looks like the POI you are at is called trailer_04.


Your best bet is to remove all of the supporting blocks on the back wall adjacent to the cylinder. Those are made of iron blocks and is 10x easier to break. You'll need to break 5 blocks in a row, because even the round end caps of the cylinder count as a full block for the purpose of support.  You'll also have to break the window sill above the cylinder, as that will prevent it from falling, too.  

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2 hours ago, AH64_Jimbo said:

That, unfortunately, is made of steel; Which is indeed just about the toughest substance in the game. It looks like the POI you are at is called trailer_04.


Your best bet is to remove all of the supporting blocks on the back wall adjacent to the cylinder. Those are made of iron blocks and is 10x easier to break. You'll need to break 5 blocks in a row, because even the round end caps of the cylinder count as a full block for the purpose of support.  You'll also have to break the window sill above the cylinder, as that will prevent it from falling, too.  


Thankyou 😀 -- destroying five blocks and the window sill saved me a lot of bother 👍.

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