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Suggestion for the Compass


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While I don't mind the fog of war and whatnot it would be really cool and helpful if little Icons would pop up on your compass when your close enough to a structure but still out of render distance. It could be nothing more than a small "X". Do you guys think this would be an awesome feature? or would it just break immersion?
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Visual range isn't good currently. Large structures need to be visible from a further distance, by which I mean buildings and mountains. But if that can't be achieved, or until the devs can achive that, some kind of compass indicator of "significant structure" ahead would be nice, where significant might be any collection of more than 70 building voxels. The threshold needed, 70 as per my suggestion, is because on many MP servers I've been a lot of half-finished structures, usually just wooden pallisades encloding a space of 2x3 or 3x5, but completely abandoned, and not really something that much can be done with. I'd very much like for those to not show up on my compass, whereas larger player-built structures, ones with so many placed voxels that they're likely to be finished (or at least not abandoned) should show up.
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