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Want to Commission a POI being made

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One of my community members and a community member in a lot of 7 days to die families passed away this weekend.  I'd like to discuss making a POI in her memory.  I have already talked about getting it put into DF, and have asked about it being in the main game, but with them pushing for full release sooner than later, I don't expect that to happen.


I'm not 100% sure that the person's family wants their information out there yet, but the gist of the building is I'd like it to be a small to med POI reminiscent of the electronics shop, but have it be more a 3d printing themed building.  If there are additional expenses to add things from the unity story or whatever to help flesh out the POI I'd 100% be fine to pay for it.  


I just want her memory in a game she loved doing something she loved.



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