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Problems in set up LiteNetLib


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I am trying to make LiteNetLib work, but I'm not succeeding :D

I have a dedicated server on a hosting service linux. This is the part of my client log when i log in the game.


2023-03-03T12:07:51 32.748 INF NET: LiteNetLib trying to connect to: 198.xxx.xxx.xxx (this is my server ip):25570
2023-03-03T12:07:53 35.643 WRN NET: Requesting rules from TCP ( timed out
2023-03-03T12:07:54 35.693 WRN NET: Requesting rules from TCP ( timed out
2023-03-03T12:07:56 38.575 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connection failed: ConnectionFailed
2023-03-03T12:07:56 38.576 INF NET: Steam NW trying to connect to: 198.xxx.xxx.xxx (this is my server ip):25570

2023-03-03T12:07:56 38.577 INF [Steamworks.NET] NET: Connecting to SteamID xxxx
2023-03-03T12:07:56 38.578 INF Started thread SteamNetworkingClient
2023-03-03T12:08:00 42.624 INF [Steamworks.NET] NET: Connection established


And then SteamNetworks connects normally.

Can anyone help me understanding what is happening?

Thank you!


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Typically this is because the relevant UDP ports are not open, in your case 25570 to 25573 UDP. Probably your hosting service is blocking random ports.


If you have full access to the server then you can test it yourself by using netcat, see the third answer (with a score of 74) here: https://serverfault.com/questions/416205/testing-udp-port-connectivity . If that is the case, ask your provider to open the relevant ports.





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