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Rain through ceilings


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6 hours ago, bobrpggamer said:

Is it normal to have rain coming through concrete block ceilings? I looks a bit lame to see this happening in your base.


It looks so ridiculous I would consider a mod to get rid of all rain, if one exists.

I have seen this occur if there are any openings in the ceiling, including having any blocks that are not completely blocking the sky.  I agree it's weird in your base.


You wouldn't really need a mod to turn off the rain, though.  Just use the console (if you have admin) and use "weather rain 0" after accessing debug mode with "dm".

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I think it has to do when the game thinks you're "outside" or probably a better definition is "exposed" or "not definitely inside".  I see this a lot when standing near walls with an open window/door, or sometimes when plates are used as a ceiling (like the game doesnt count them as a true roof or something?).  I have a few mods that play with the inside/outside darkness levels and when used, and you go into a poi (where it should be dark) you have to go inside a bit before the darkness kicks in, and it kicks in "entirely" not some slow fade as you get further from the light of the door (usually 2 blocks it seems?) I believe its because the game determines you are "not exposed to the  elements, therefore you are inside".


Anyway, the rain effect is probably playing indoors because it thinks you're not 100% indoors and not exposed to any nearby openings or open sky above, prob within a 2 block radius from where the player is standing.

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56 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

The game seems to think I'm always outside, even when I have two very covered floors above me.

Im curious: Are you near (prob a few blocks = near) walls or windows that are facing the outside? Personally when it rains "indoors" it stops when i get away from outside facing walls/openings and its been like that for a long time, and i haven't heard of TFP addressing/announcing it as something they were fixing, but then again maybe its on the list somewhere as it can be a bit odd the way it is today

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9 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

Im curious: Are you near (prob a few blocks = near) walls or windows that are facing the outside? Personally when it rains "indoors" it stops when i get away from outside facing walls/openings and its been like that for a long time, and i haven't heard of TFP addressing/announcing it as something they were fixing, but then again maybe its on the list somewhere as it can be a bit odd the way it is today


I am, but there are no windows. The walls are also two blocks thick.

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