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POI Creation Question


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Apologies incase this has been asked, but I found nothing when tried searching. 


Working on a few different POI's for my group to try out, but stuck on something (possibly simple) at the moment. 


In some POI's, when you reach a certain spot/position Zombies fall through the ceiling or burst through the walls.   


When I am having troubles with is looking for a certain block that allows this to happen, or is it with a file setting?   

Yes, I am still new to this but eager to learn and maybe even put out some good content to share with everyone.  


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Even a link for POI creator for Dummies that points to this topic would help.  





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9 minutes ago, Sticks416 said:

Apologies incase this has been asked, but I found nothing when tried searching. 


Working on a few different POI's for my group to try out, but stuck on something (possibly simple) at the moment. 


In some POI's, when you reach a certain spot/position Zombies fall through the ceiling or burst through the walls.   


When I am having troubles with is looking for a certain block that allows this to happen, or is it with a file setting?   

Yes, I am still new to this but eager to learn and maybe even put out some good content to share with everyone.  


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Even a link for POI creator for Dummies that points to this topic would help.  





Type in trap in the cm menu

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