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Game Price (Turkiye)


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I'm not aware of any sales being made region-specific. Also note that you will never hear about a sale ahead of time, so asking about if one will happen is typically an exercise in futility.


Currently the game is on sale at Humble for what it likely the lowest price it has been at.



Oh, I take that back. It's lowest of all time is at Green Man Gaming right now. 

7 Days To Die | PC - Steam | Game Keys (greenmangaming.com)


Either of those will get the game for you below $6 USD. 

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I dont think that humble bundle has regional pricing.  I live in a country that tends to have fairly cheap prices for games if the prices are localized.  A game on sale on humble bundle is still usually more expensive than the base price on steam here.   The same happens with Fanatical.  


The steam winter and lunar new year sales have just happened.  Steamdb says nextfest is coming up on 8th of Feb (not sure 7 days will be a part of that) and the spring sale is starting 16th March.


Anyway, try: isthereanydeal.com and change the location to your country for deals, but at the moment it only shows steam and humble for me.


Edit: price comparison. So I was not entirely correct in what I said about the prices!


Edited by Andros
adding details for prices from isthereanydeal.com (see edit history)
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