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Power outage and clear zombie quests no longer clear


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Hello, I was playing in an A20 build on vanilla Navezgane and my power suddenly went out which made my save file disappear (i should've backed it up, i know). Anyways, I was able to restore my file using this method:


Everything is back to normal except that specifically any quests with Clear Zombies no longer finishes. I tested a bunch of easy tier 1 quests to make sure it really is the game and not me just missing a zombie. It's really frustrating because I can no longer finish any Tier 5 quests. Is there a way I can somehow reset the trader quests either through digging around in the game files or any other method?


Log file: https://pastebin.com/zxrXZj0j

Windows 11

Server type: MP Local

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On 11/8/2022 at 5:58 AM, delusivegaming said:

Hello, I was playing in an A20 build on vanilla Navezgane and my power suddenly went out which made my save file disappear (i should've backed it up, i know). Anyways, I was able to restore my file using this method:


Everything is back to normal except that specifically any quests with Clear Zombies no longer finishes. I tested a bunch of easy tier 1 quests to make sure it really is the game and not me just missing a zombie. It's really frustrating because I can no longer finish any Tier 5 quests. Is there a way I can somehow reset the trader quests either through digging around in the game files or any other method?


Log file: https://pastebin.com/zxrXZj0j

Windows 11

Server type: MP Local


Thanks for the logfile. I did not notice any problems or errors in the logfile. Seems replacing the ttw file with a fresh one isn't without problems of its own.


I have a few ideas what you could try:


1) Start a quest, log out and in again. The quest should be reset, start it again. Check if the quest works now.


2) Go to a town you never were in before. Take a quest to a local poi there and check if the quest works there.


If that works it would point to a discrepancy between ttw file and region files. The solution would be then to also delete many of the files in the Region directory of your save, but probably you want to avoid deleting the one where your base is stored.


3) Another desperate step could be deleting your player character (either in the save file or generally for all games with the Tools tab of the launcher). You can always get back XP and equipment with the creative menue (write down important stuff and your level before doing the reset).



I would be happy to hear if any of this worked or not, these are just shots in the dark. But if one method works it gives a hint how quests are stored in the game files and I would know what to tell the next guy with the same problem.




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