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(A21) Old West Migration


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18 minutes ago, MrSamuelAdams said:

A21-OldWestMigration that whole folder can just go into the mods folder right? Or does one of them need to go into the prefabs folder?


- figured it out! 



For anyone who is not so familiar with mods, and how to use the 'Mods' folder and hierarchy, this has been added to the first post.


The whole mod (A21-OldWestMigration) can be placed in the 'Mods' folder. 7 Days will be able to read and use the Prefabs from directly within the mod.

Ensure that the mod is not nested with other folders. The hierarchy will be 'Mods / A21-OldWestMigration / Config, Prefabs, ModInfo.xml, and Old West Migration Tiling.txt'

If it is something like Mods / A21-OldWestMigration-main / A21-OldWestMigration... it will not load as the ModInfo.xml file must be where the game can see it. ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this mod but feel it can sometimes be a bit too much on the generation phase of making maps. Is there a way to edit it to be somewhere between vanilla and where the mod is now, in terms of creating these Old West towns? Seems like its producing too many for my group atm. Love the flavor though, just want to tone down the amount they show up slightly.

Btw, I only saw in the config where the number of tiles were used, so not sure how changing those will limit the formation of Old West Towns to get a nice in-between.... like how many tiles does it even take to form an Old West town portion? Maybe I'm looking at it wrong.

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There are two important areas in the rwgmixer inside the A21-OldWestMigration\Config\ folder.


These two important areas govern:


1. Amount of possible times the Old West will appear in a World depending on the World size.

Case scenario: If you made a 6K World using 'Many' for Towns, but feel there are too many Old West Towns, change:

<set xpath="/rwgmixer/world[@name='small']/property[@class='oldwest']/property[@name='many']/@value">4</set>

4 to 3 or 2 to reduce it by 1 or 2 and allow another type of Town to appear instead. The same applies for few and default. This is on the premise that you aren't changing anything below as it will reduce the amount of Old West Towns and not the size of Old West Towns.


2. Minimum and Maximum amount of tiles the Old West will cover depending on the World size. This is the size of Old West Towns.
Case scenario: If you made a 6K World and feel that the Wild West Towns are simply too big and cover too much surface area, change:

    <set xpath="/rwgmixer/world[@name='small']/property[@class='oldwest']/property[@name='mintiles']/@value">6</set>
    <set xpath="/rwgmixer/world[@name='small']/property[@class='oldwest']/property[@name='maxtiles']/@value">16</set>

the number following 'mintiles' or 'maxtiles' to something more appropriate. 6 is set for 'mintiles' and that is actually very reasonable. It creates a High Street with possibly a single intersection branch. 16 set for 'maxtiles' can make a pretty large Old West Town. Setting 'maxtiles' to 10 will allow a High Street and a possible intersection branching off in a few places. 16 allows for a 'square' type Town whereas anything less with retain the long stretches of street. It is set to 16 to allow the chance of a 'square' type full Town and some branching Street Towns as it is based on random selection.


It is very subjective but that 'maxtiles' value is the biggest factor for players who would like to tone things down a little and bring in more appearance potential for Country Town, Town, and other areas like that.

Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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13 hours ago, arramus said:

There are two important areas in the rwgmixer inside the A21-OldWestMigration\Config\ folder.


These two important areas govern:


1. Amount of possible times the Old West will appear in a World depending on the World size.

Case scenario: If you made a 6K World using 'Many' for Towns, but feel there are too many Old West Towns, change:

<set xpath="/rwgmixer/world[@name='small']/property[@class='oldwest']/property[@name='many']/@value">4</set>

4 to 3 or 2 to reduce it by 1 or 2 and allow another type of Town to appear instead. The same applies for few and default. This is on the premise that you aren't changing anything below as it will reduce the amount of Old West Towns and not the size of Old West Towns.


2. Minimum and Maximum amount of tiles the Old West will cover depending on the World size. This is the size of Old West Towns.
Case scenario: If you made a 6K World and feel that the Wild West Towns are simply too big and cover too much surface area, change:

    <set xpath="/rwgmixer/world[@name='small']/property[@class='oldwest']/property[@name='mintiles']/@value">6</set>
    <set xpath="/rwgmixer/world[@name='small']/property[@class='oldwest']/property[@name='maxtiles']/@value">16</set>

the number following 'mintiles' or 'maxtiles' to something more appropriate. 6 is set for 'mintiles' and that is actually very reasonable. It creates a High Street with possibly a single intersection branch. 16 set for 'maxtiles' can make a pretty large Old West Town. Setting 'maxtiles' to 10 will allow a High Street and a possible intersection branching off in a few places. 16 allows for a 'square' type Town whereas anything less with retain the long stretches of street. It is set to 16 to allow the chance of a 'square' type full Town and some branching Street Towns as it is based on random selection.


It is very subjective but that 'maxtiles' value is the biggest factor for players who would like to tone things down a little and bring in more appearance potential for Country Town, Town, and other areas like that.

Thank you for such a detailed response. Will try it out.
Great mod btw!

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Here are a few 'small' updates for the Old West Migration Mod:


1. Infested Quest Mode

Of the 51 Old West Questable POIs (custom and default), 6 have been hooked up to 'Infested' Quest Mode.

This is a very nice new Quest Mode from TFP and serves POIs in a few ways:

- Allows them to add +1 to their Tier level. If the POI is a T3, hooking up for 'Infested' allows them to appear in T4 due to the extra challenge.

- Provides a fun and novel experience for POIs we may know well.

- Expands the Old West Migration Mod with T4 Quests which none of the POIs are made for.

- Simply expands the options available.


Here is an example:


Sunny Side School is a T3 with the potential for Clear, Fetch, and Restore Power.
With A21, this now expands to a T4 Infested that will be listed with T4 Quest opportunities  possibly from Old West Trader Bob.



It usually has a max capacity of between 30 to 45 spawning hostiles. With the Infested Mode, a count of what spawned brought it up to 54. That is a fair chunk of zombies in a high density environment.



For these Infested Quests, the trade off for the extra challenge is a Tier specific Infested Loot Box on top of the regular Loot Box.



2. Decorative Update

A few POIs have been given a little decorative update since some of the new A21 additions are very specific to the type of POI.

There are still more to do, but this start will be noticable. For example, Nitrary could receive its fertiliser bags. It is also a T5 hooked up for the T6 Infested. ^^



Liberty Bank also received an ATM out front as well as it's Infested status. That's going to be an interesting one...


Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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Pushed a small update:


1. Infested

- 3 more POI (T1 x 2 and T2 x1) were given Infested Mod just to bring a few more low Tier versions into play for players willing to take the risk for an Infested Loot Box.


2. Vehicle Parts

- Added a few more Pass 'n' Gas or Vehicle Parts Boxes to offset the reduction of vehicles in the Old West Tiling System.

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I just did a check up on TFP Old West POIs and there has actually been a lot of updating both visually and for the Infested game mode.
The Old West in general will be a lot more stimulating, and with the Old West Migration expansion, will make it pretty viable for Tier 1 to Tier 4 completion with a token gesture for T5(+). The additional deco includes things like the Old West hanging lantern at Fine Swines, the Old West Piano, Horse Shoes, and context specific pallets for flour, fertiliser, etc.


Whichever TFP/Partner member(s) took the time to do this, much appreciation here as it really adds to the immersion and game play value.

Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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Very impressed with the way the mod is shaping up. I will finish my series (based on an earlier version of the mod) on day 21, but I will definitely be coming back to it in a few months. 


Does the "Wild West Mod – 7 Days in the Wild West "mod integrate any custom buildings from the Old West Migration mod? 

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The Wild West Mod brings in all of the Old West Migration Mod POIs with a little customisation to further age them, a heap of Old West POIs from Chaz (30+), and some very high quality POIs from POI creators as custom POIs. There are over 100 regular kinds and another 30 or so hand placed ones. It's quite an experience in there these days since the World is also hand crafted with paths and tracks instead of roads.

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Here is a new POI for the Old West Migration Mod:


1. Preppo Safehouse

This is a T4 Quest hooked up for Clear, Fetch, Restore Power, and Infested. It is the first T4 in the Mod, but due to the Infested hook up it can also be used in T5.



An unlocked entrance is at the side after ascending the staircase. It's not quite an iceberg, but there's a nice chunk of bunker action to be had. ^^



2. In addition, the link has been updated to here:



It adds in the A21 reference to avoid any confusion.


3. The Old West Migration Tiling text document has also been updated because TFP pretty much overhauled the default Old West POIs and it has greatly expanded Old West Town opportunities.


In summary, there are close to 100 Quest Variants with Clear, Fetch, Power Restore, and Infested paired or unique opportunities. Any POI with Infested doubles its Tier spread with the +1 opportunity, and TFP greatly expanded the regular POIs to include this. Additions on top can come for the algorithm that splits when POIs hooked up to all variants of C+F+RP+I will be split up into separates.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pushed a small update for 3 POIs

- Oldwest Apper (Stinky Strip) was updated to Infested to expand the T3 options.

- Bony Xpress required some light updates. The automatic A21 update reversed the red and white industrial lights and this fixes them. It was also updated to Infested while in there.

- School Fix also required some industrial light updates due to the automatic A21 update.

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@Riamus noticed that Bony Xpress was duplicated in the POI list for localising to their new names rather than file names. A small update removes one instance. It causes no issues if you don't update since the last entry takes precedence but it's there for the taking and for any new downloads. Thank you Riamus for noticing and sharing privately.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is an update for the Old West Migration Mod.


1. Old Smokey
This is a T2 POI for all Quest types. It is based on the TFP's 'The Clutter Chest' which is a remnant POI of mostly decorative value.

This gives that POI style greater function with its own unique tobacconist appeal.



2. The Old West Migration Mod has very few vehicles with the odd token gesture in Lyttle Trippers. A few more Old West Migration POIs have have received a Pickup Truck since it is in context with the location. These are added with a random chance to appear and are not guaranteed. There will also be a very small chance to see a junk/complete vehicle here and there but it will be the rare exception. One context placement is outside the Liberty Bank and Sheriff's; the chance to see a police car. ^^




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Here is a small update for the Old West Migration Mod.


1. Snow Biome Deco POIs.

Here are a couple of deco POIs which appear randomly in the snow biome. They are small additions to complement the new A21 POIs that were added to perform a similar feature but through the regular RWG POI placement. The difference with these ones is they are random and can appear multiple times but placed far apart.



2. Other deco POIs in the desert and pine forest were given an increase in spawning chance. This is because A21 added some additional decorations and they are competing quite aggressively for space.

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Here is a small update for the Old West Migration Mod:


1. Entities will appear more often in the streets and around the POIs. The Old West POIs are tagged as 'oldwest'. Any building with this tag will have allow entities to appear more often in their surroundings. This is using the same system that allows Downtown to be busier than out in the Wilderness Biomes. It is a very conservative amount to ensure the streets aren't flooded with zombies, but they will be more visible. It is using the Ghost Town group and will offer no real resistance unless players are low level or it is night.
As with other Towns that see increased zombie appearances, the Wasteland Old West will be the busiest.


This image shows 3 zombies. Two in the foreground, and one on the right side outside the building with 'Beds Games' as a sign.



2. Many for medium sized Worlds has reduced from 5 to 4 based on feedback. Since those 4 Old West Towns are much larger than default, their impact will remain very noticeable.


3. Some POIs with regular spawn groups were reverted back to Ghost Town spawn groups. This is in preparation for a future project.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a small update for the Old West Migration Mod.


1. Sparks 'n' Hearts POI
This is a T2 POI hooked up for clear, fetch, restore power, and infested to offer that T3 expansion. It offers an additional vehicle chance at the front and provides chems on the ground floor and electronics upstairs as these can be pretty lacking in the Old West. It is a token gesture, but gives players a target for those resources.


2. POI updates and clean ups
A few other POIs were given Restore Power and Infested status. A couple also had player building blocks which could be picked up. These are now replaced with regular POI type blocks. There are very few remaining to give Infested status, and these will be updated with the next addition.

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