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I hope the new cardcoard pallets replace the old models with actual neatly stacked cardboard boxes.

These really scream "hi there, we're obviously lootable boxes, wouldn't you like to take a look what useful stuff might be inside us?"

...just that they're completely non-interactive non-containers despite their looks. To me that has always been one of the most irritating things in the game.


And while I'm at it, will one of these other annoying/irritating things be addressed some day?


-throwables (grenades, molotovs) are too much likely to being deflected by hot air, instead of going through seemingly wide open gaps.

 can't count how often I hurt myself more than the zombies I aimed for.

 Maybe a trajectory outline would be possible? Some other games do this and I find it very helpful.


-coordinated S.W.A.T. zombie ambushes

 that behaviour would fit to bandits, but not to zombies. I'd like to see the whole "zone-trigger them all at once" thingy reworked.


-weird zombie insta-hit duck animation

 Makes me wonder if it was coded like "if zombie spots player then reduce player health 10%, then start duck/attack animation"


-minibike engine sound

 ...I mean...really!


-and of course bring back JA...woodle. He's a great guy.

 hehe...thought I was starting that other ja...thing again didn't you?


Anyway, said things are my top list of what chews away my fun.

Well also weather system, but I know that's a thing that's being looked into already.



I hope the new cardcoard pallets replace the old models with actual neatly stacked cardboard boxes.

These really scream "hi there, we're obviously lootable boxes, wouldn't you like to take a look what useful stuff might be inside us?"

...just that they're completely non-interactive non-containers despite their looks. To me that has always been one of the most irritating things in the game.


And while I'm at it, will one of these other annoying/irritating things be addressed some day?


-throwables (grenades, molotovs) are too much likely to being deflected by hot air, instead of going through seemingly wide open gaps.

 can't count how often I hurt myself more than the zombies I aimed for.


-coordinated S.W.A.T. zombie ambushes

 that behaviour would fit to bandits, but not to zombies. I'd like to see the whole "zone-trigger them all at once" thingy reworked.


-weird zombie insta-hit duck animation

 Makes me wonder if it was coded like "if zombie spots player then reduce player health 10%, then start duck/attack animation"


-minibike engine sound

 ...I mean...really!


-and of course bring back JA...woodle. He's a great guy.

 hehe...thought I was starting that other ja...thing again didn't you?


Anyway, said things are my top list of what chews away my fun.

Well also weather system, but I know that's a thing that's being looked into already.

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