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Eating glass is ridiculous.


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2 hours ago, Orclover said:

Play the game long enough and you WILL eat glass by accident.  I have done it twice.  Once from being tired and hitting A instead of D and another time with a crappy mouse that double clicked constantly instead of single clicking.


Maybe don't play with dead is dead unless you can handle the "stupid deaths",  nobody will  look down on you for playing "normal".

I remap the drop key to ' the G key is too close to the the F & H, and I can't tell you how times I dropped something as I was scrambling about. My 67 year old reflexes are not what they use to be 😂


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On 1/31/2022 at 10:55 PM, Shockwave1 said:

Why is this here? My buddy tried to drop glass on the ground the other day and simply misclicked "use" instead of drop and died. How is "using glass" eating it and dying? there is really no excuse for a game making you kill yourself over a misclick. Nor is labelling it "use" appropriate (although that wasn't the issue in this case I'm sure many people do click that to see what use is).


You can not "accidentally" eat glass, so there really shouldn't be a way to accidentally eat it in the game, at least without a "this will kill you are you sure" check.  We rolled the game back to our last backup (lost a couple days) since we are trying to see how long we can go without dying.

Just don't eat it? And make sure you're pressing the right key next time?

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You know, part of the charm of this game is that doing stupid things gets you killed.   I used to watch youtube vidoes of this, 7 ways to die or something like that they were hilarious.


If you are dumb enough to eat glass, I don't know what to say. 😀    You can laugh and joke at the dumbness of it, "my buddy accidentally ate glass, it didn't end well"

or post a rant on here all butthurt?


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6 hours ago, ChickenWings said:

You know, part of the charm of this game is that doing stupid things gets you killed.   I used to watch youtube vidoes of this, 7 ways to die or something like that they were hilarious.


If you are dumb enough to eat glass, I don't know what to say. 😀    You can laugh and joke at the dumbness of it, "my buddy accidentally ate glass, it didn't end well"

or post a rant on here all butthurt?



And if it was a stupid thing I'd agree, but it wasn't. I can't get over the number of people defending a game design that allows you to fat finger a suicide button. Literally, buddy got to the jeep (I was first and was unloading) and he started dropping useless things on the ground and fat fingered "USE" not "EAT".  There is a use key for bandages, it does not mean "eat" In addition the "repair" button on some inventory items is the "use" button on others... so you can misclick on the wrong item and try to repair it and use the other other item.


There is no universe in which someone attempts to drop glass on the ground and slips and eats it,  or intends to repair an item and slips and eats glass, but that is what the devs have created here. There really is no reason to have a single keyboard press that its commonly used for many activities kill you. It's simply poor design and not necessary to solve any game issue.

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1 hour ago, Shockwave1 said:


And if it was a stupid thing I'd agree, but it wasn't. I can't get over the number of people defending a game design that allows you to fat finger a suicide button. Literally, buddy got to the jeep (I was first and was unloading) and he started dropping useless things on the ground and fat fingered "USE" not "EAT".  There is a use key for bandages, it does not mean "eat" In addition the "repair" button on some inventory items is the "use" button on others... so you can misclick on the wrong item and try to repair it and use the other other item.


There is no universe in which someone attempts to drop glass on the ground and slips and eats it,  or intends to repair an item and slips and eats glass, but that is what the devs have created here. There really is no reason to have a single keyboard press that its commonly used for many activities kill you. It's simply poor design and not necessary to solve any game issue.

what you might not know or care about is taht this game actually DOES have a PvP component and right or wrong, eating glass is one way to deny an enemy player a kill.  Should it be a thing?   <shrug>.    But obviously at some point the development team actively decided that it should be.      Feel free to mod out behavior you don't like, that's why the developers made the game moddable(to a large extent)


I liken it to jumping out of a gyro while you are in the air.    the answer is "dont do that".  If the keybind location is the issue, change your keybind(btw, i have jumped out of a gyro in this game exactly ONCE.... I have jumped off of a flying dino in Ark..ummm more than once...lol)

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I have over 1300 hours in this game, and even today I find myself discarding things I didn't want discart, I've already eaten glass twice and scrapped weapons thinking I was repairing countless times.


It never bothered me. Just assume it was a stupidity/inattentive , and don't repeat it next time, you can use mods, modify your keybind, anyway, you have several options to correct it, you can't wait for TFP to take care of players like a mother takes care of their spoiled children.

"I can do everything, but not everything suits me"


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Is the current implementation correct? NO
Should it be defended? NO
Should the devs fix this? I don’t care


Eating glass is and should not be the default action without a confirmation or hold action. As mentioned earlier, you can’t drink acid, oil, or gas which makes eating glass a special action. It’s most certainly not the same as stepping over a ledge or firing off a gun by accident. You can do those plenty without dying, so we're comparing apples to oranges.


It is almost like comparing the action of using the Backspace to accidentally hitting Alt-F4 and not being prompted to save your work before quitting. But yeah, I’ve seen people defending crazy @%$# in my life.



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3000+ hours and I never have eaten glass - either intentionally or accidently


Now deciding to step out of my gyro while flying to a location, I have done that once or twice.


It's why you never go through inventory while in a rush - mistakes will happen.


It's why we preach to take your time - mistakes will happen.


Even falling out of the gyro, I didn't come in here to blast TFP as the mistake was on my part - not verifying where my finger was after I paused my SP and then came back to the game.

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On 1/31/2022 at 10:33 PM, Jason Tamosiunis said:

GrandSpartan did that once he scrapped an auger schematic which he desperately needed XD

I feel his pain. There's nothing much worse than grinding so hard to find something you truly need, only to accidentally scrap it or sell it.

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It should probably be removed tbh, its just a misclick hazard.

The only justification for using it being for cases where you get stuck seems odd since you wont always have it on hand and its a bad thing to have to prepare in advance to kill yourself. I have never needed to kill myself, even throwing a grenade at your feet or a molotov at a wall is far less punishing than misclicking glass.

Perhaps it could just apply a bleed effect that can be cured by a bandage for accidental clicks, that would be a better middle state.

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On 1/31/2022 at 6:01 PM, Gazz said:

It's not accidental when you literally have to perform an action to do it.


We'd also need a LOT of "this will kill you are you sure" prompts to baby-proof this game.


When the most dangerous thing in this game is the UI, I don't think "baby-proof" quite fits the bill.  🤣

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9 hours ago, bloodmoth13 said:

The only justification for using it being for cases where you get stuck seems odd since you wont always have it on hand

Idk about you but I and most players do indeed always have a jar of water etc on hand that I can drink and then scrap into glass. That makes it the absolute perfect item to use an a stuck and get out suicide option. I'm not saying I've used it as such, just saying if they decided to have such a thing that glass is the perfect fit for it.

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      It's hardly gamebreaking is it? Still ranting 2 pages in is overreacting slightly. Stupidity abounds, as i flew through the air yesterday it occurred to me that gas tanks still explode! Hadn't seen it for so long i thought it had been nerfed. So a missed swipe with a club assured me that they do indeed still explode. Dead is dead can be harsh and unforgiving, but the comedy quotient is high. Btw you arent playing dead is dead if you have saved backups.

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4 hours ago, ElCabong said:

Wasn't this put in a very early version of the game to let you get back to your base quickly?


No. It was put in so that if there was an error or bug that caused you get stuck with no way out, you could die and respawn. It started as a suicide button next to the exit game button when you pressed ESC.


It was abused to fast travel to your base or other spawn point quickly.

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On 2/2/2022 at 2:49 PM, John Black said:

you can’t drink acid, oil, or gas

True, but I would support these options. Not just being a jerk for a joke, but I like the “more survival based reality” when I can get it. Mentioned above is jumping out of the gyro. Yeah, it’s painful and always a funny/screaming moment.  I do wish there was a parachute or rope or mod or something to make this not kill you, but specifically for the coolness of jumping out and landing (I also support gyro destruction ruin if falling from great height unpiloted). The glass earring has caught me a few times, almost always when I’m not paying attention or (most times) when I’m panicking and running and trying to swap out weapons and I had glass in my toolbar (inventory was full, broke a window, glass went into open slot in toolbar).  The problem with eating glass is it should kill you (like drinking gas should) but it always seems to happen by accident and Kim it sure how much it’s used today to “escape” a stuck player.  So: leave it in because of utility, and because it’s hilarious a lot of times in non serious games (with friends) or take it out to save the accidental miss select/click?


obviously I’m voting for leave it in, and this can be modded out as well (has anyone done this?) but I feel at a deeper level that the “quirks” of this game (weird vehicle things, heads sticking through walls, the occasional building collapse with no obvious reason) are actually kinda why it’s fun: it’s random enough to make it feel more real.  If it were super solid and perfect in every respect (or too many safety nets, like ability to heal broken glass eating easily… I mean, who’s going to carry special items for this case? So it would have to be a basic med kit…)then it might lose some of its charm. 

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