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Origin UI - v1.0.1.0


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This is a repost of an older UI that I've updated for use with 7DTD v1.0. I did not create this UI mod, and original credit goes to user Tritox. You can find the original thread here:


As the original thread is archived from the forum move and the UI hasn't seen an update since A17, I first took it upon myself to fix the outstanding errors in the mod so that it is A20 compatible, and have now updated it for 7DTD v1.0. I do have Tritox's blessing to maintain this and have them set up to be a collaborator in GitHub.


The main idea of Origin is to keep the UI's look as close as possible to the original 7DTD UI (hence the modlet name), while spicing up the UI with some quality of life changes.



Download Current Version


Previous Versions

Origin UI for A20 v1.0b
Origin UI for A19 v1.1






  • (Top left) : Re-positioned day and time coupled with the world temperature and elevation indicators.
  • (Top center) : Added indicator to compass to show which way the player is facing.
  • (Top right) : Added text outlines to active quest tracker.
  • (Bottom left) : Added bars for water, food and feels like -temperature above the current stamina and health Bars.
  • (Bottom center) : Added player level indicator left from the XP bar and numbers for toolbelt slots.


Before installing any modlet, it's always a good idea to back up your existing files!


This UI consists of three main files which come in an XPath-compatible modlet. Simply extract the contents of the archive to
[steam location]\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\
-directory. Overwrite prompt should only occur if you are updating the mod.
For Multiplayer: This UI is intended to be installed only on the server. Players do not need to download this separately.
For Singleplayer: You would need to download and install the modlet to your computer.


"I remember seeing coordinates in the HUD, where are they?"


- In A14, a bug was introduced to the UI which causes several unexpected errors if the player adds waypoints while the coordinate indicators is on. Later on, in A16, enabling the coordinates caused the UI pretty much to exploded, so they were removed entirely from the and they aren't coming back.


"Can you change the temperature to Celcius?"


- The temperature unit can be changed by yourself in the console (works in MP only if you are an admin). Type
settempunit c
for Celcius and
settempunit f
for Fahrenheit.


"Why there is only a static fill for the core temperature bar?"


- The core temperature is just a value in the game UI and there isn't any changing fill related to it like there is for food/water/etc.


"Can this mod be used in multiplayer games?"


- Only if the host uses the mod. 7DTD multiplayer servers push most of the game files to the clients, including the XML files which this UI modlet uses. So even if you have this modlet installed and the server you play on doesn't, you are forced to use the whatever UI the server uses.
"I don't like the feature X in your mod"


- And you absolutely shouldn't. This is a matter of taste like oh-so-many other things in the world. Luckily, you can always remove/add parts to your liking. I've tried to comment the mod files well and removing features pretty much comes down to comment out or remove sections from the XML files. If you don't know how to do this, I can probably help you out to some extent.

This modlet, like many others in this wonderful community is consider opensource. You may copy it, modify it, distribute it. The only request is to make sure that everyone listed in the credits below are included, to call recognition to the many people who have contributed over the years to the creation and ongoing maintenance of this modlet.
Tritox, for his original work to create this, and the years put in maintaining this.
Big thanks to all the people in the forums who have helped with the UI hacks:
Sirillion & Red Eagle LXIX
Thank you to all the other UI modders who have given me good tips and ideas! Also huge thanks to YseGuy for creating the initial XPath modlet version and helping out with various fixes. Oh, and of course huge kudos for The Fun Pimps for creating this major timesink of a game for us.
ShoudenKalferas, for picking up on-going maintenance of this modlet from A19 onward.
Edited by ShoudenKalferas
Updated for 7DTD v1.0 (see edit history)
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I've increased the number of hotbar buttons to 10, fixed the water & food bars to show the percentage in A20, removed the feels like temperature as it had little bearing on actual gameplay, slightly adjusted the compass coloring, and shifted the player's level to below the achievement cup (to the left of the hotbar).


Edited by ShoudenKalferas (see edit history)
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Wow, you lurk in the shadows in the past 1,5 years and even the forums get re-vamped during it!


Anyhow, I came here to reply as ShoudenKalferas approached me about my mod and keeping it updated. I've been on a hiatus (again) so sadly also the mod maintenance has been lacking. I don't see myself continuing the game in A20 (maybe in the next alpha then?), so I'm very happy to see someone is willing keep the mod alive for those who still use it. Huge thank you to ShoudenKalferas!


As my original thread has been archived, I won't be able to do any edits to it. However, if ShoudenKalferas updates the mod anyways, it's only fitting that they also control the mod thread and I won't be creating a new thread.

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Helpful mod as there aren't many A20 UI mods yet. I have changed the Water and Food values to the numbers as I didn't want the % versions however I also would like the XP to show how much XP to next level, any ideas on how to do this as I am struggling to change it? I have tried different values like,


text="Level: {playerlevel} - {playerxptonextlevel}"

Neither seem to work and just end up removing any text in the XP bar.


Also a little bug, when riding a bike the stamina bar has gone, but not really a biggy for me.

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The food and water always displays the percentage incorrectly. Rather than showing the correct value, it just displays the player health value (i.e. my players health was at 126, and it originally always showed 126% regardless of the food and water level. I suspected it may have been tied to something incorrectly, so I took damage to 95 health, and the percentages both changed to 95%). Is this a known bug to the mod? I love the simplicity and would love to stick with it if it's fixable. Please let me know. Thanks!

Just now, grunter919 said:

i.e. my players health was at 126, and it originally always showed 126% regardless of the food and water level. I suspected it may have been tied to something incorrectly, so I took damage to 95 health, and the percentages both changed to 95%.


I should also state that as my health regenerated, the percentage values for food and water followed exactly.

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I've published a bugfix release that addresses the food & water bars not working properly, displaying the wrong values, or otherwise not consistently updating. They do now use the current percentage, using 100% as a maximum. Be aware I would prefer to use the actual maximum value to display but when I do that the bar does not update properly. As time permits, I'll keep working at it to see if I can get it to show the actual numeric value instead of % out of 100%. But as it is right now, the values do properly update, and do properly show the value out of 100%. It's just harder to tell how much food or water to consume to get to 100% if you are at an actual maximum value greater than 100%, which happens as you progress in the game.


I've also taken a new screenshot and added it to the post, to reflect the current state of the UI.

Edited by ShoudenKalferas (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
17 hours ago, Shonuff said:

Is this mod working?  I installed the mod in to the Mods directory.  The UI never changes.  I verified the files are there, restarted the game multiple times.  No luck.

Did you just extract it to the mods folder? Because there's a folder behind that initial folder and that's the one that needs to be front-facing in the mods folder.

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5 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

Did you just extract it to the mods folder? Because there's a folder behind that initial folder and that's the one that needs to be front-facing in the mods folder.

awesome, thanks.  I thought it was something simple. 

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