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[MODLETS] Friendly Trader Rekt, Traders Dawn to Dusk


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Friendly Trader Rekt

This is a very simple modlet that changes Trader Rekt's stance from Dislike to Like.  The result is that Rekt uses friendly dialog instead of being an @%$#, nothing else changes.


This modlet works on existing saves, no need to start new.


You can change the stance from "Like" to "Neutral" if you'd rather not have him be friendly.  Trader Hugh is neutral, for reference.


Download: FriendlyRekt.zip at GitHub



Traders Dawn to Dusk

Another simple modlet that changes the open and close times of all traders to dusk and dawn, since Trader Jen claims that's when they're open.


This modlet works on existing saves, no need to start new.


Download: TradersDuskDawn.zip at GitHub


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  • Ricowan changed the title to Friendly Trader Rekt [modlet]
30 minutes ago, DEATH MECHANIC said:

can you make Jen have Rekt's bad attitude, cause we all know a woman isn't that happy all the time lol

LOL  I'm sure it can be done, just change her stance from "Like" to "Dislike".


You can even change each trader's dialog somewhat, Jen has her own voice:  voice_set="trader_jen".  Take a look at npc.xml for their configuration.


Edited by Ricowan (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, Ricowan said:

Add this line to the npc.xml file in my mod:

    <setattribute xpath="/npc/npc_info[@trader_id='2']" name="stance">Dislike</setattribute>

so i gave this a shot, now jen acts like she is talking but she has no voice sounds now

rekt is working fine


this is what i have in your xml file


    <setattribute xpath="/npc/npc_info[@trader_id='8']" name="stance">Like</setattribute>
    <setattribute xpath="/npc/npc_info[@trader_id='2']" name="stance">Dislike</setattribute>

Edited by DEATH MECHANIC (see edit history)
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  • Ricowan changed the title to [MODLETS] Friendly Trader Rekt, Traders Dawn to Dusk
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  • 7 months later...

I checked and changing stance no longer changes Rekt's dialog. It is possible to change Rekt's dialog to the ones of a different trader, but stance no longer works. 


I have a mod I made based on this one that changes Rekt's dialog to Hugh's instead.

Also working on seeing if AmbientSoundsCustomizer can just mute the extra offensive lines. Not sure if it can do that or not just yet though.

Edited by GodSponge (see edit history)
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