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Working Stove.


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I would like to see the stove actually work as a functioning cooking item in game. would be even cooler if it was craft-able and had four hobs to cook from allowing you to cook four different items at once. Powered by gas if need be.

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You can do this by changing the 'class' of the oven ingame: (making the oven work as a campfire)


<block id="311" name="oven">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />


Change to:


<property name="Class" value="Campfire" />


There are also a few other thing you may want to add such as the heatmap setting and having it light up when in use. You can compare the code to the code form the campfire to see whats needed.


The you just need to add a recipe so you can craft one!

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  • 4 years later...

Personally, I think that if it only cooked 2 different items at the same time. but, with accelerated crafting timers would be a lot more balanced. love the idea through. making it look like an ol'fashion wood burning stove would make it fit in with the style of game. along with look of it being hand crafted with the material available on hand much like all the other crafting bench's.

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That would be cool


maybe its made of stone like the forge with a grill and cooking pot on it.


and you can make better foods, and can cook faster.


and maybe a barrel to store water for cooking


like this





and you can make stuff like aloe tea, yucca tea , fresh sham sandwich, scrambled eggs etc


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Hopefully one of The Fun Pimps sees this and thinks "yeah... its a good idea we'll add it in" lol

I think it's too late for that.





EDIT: Well I got all exited. Found this nugget in the blocks xml. cntWoodBurningStove


Then I got a picture of it...




Close, but not quite.

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I think it's too late for that.





EDIT: Well I got all exited. Found this nugget in the blocks xml. cntWoodBurningStove


Then I got a picture of it...




Close, but not quite.


that one would look cool


maybe a pot on the top with a grill area , a barrel on the back that you can uses to store water. kinda like gas in a generator for cooking.


and then some pipes on the back.

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Would be nice to just set the standard ovens as a cooking station, having the same menu as the camp-fire.

That's exactly why I made my mod. I'll be adding this stove and the grill to it in the next update. I will probably separate the recipes a bit though for the type of stove. It won't be ready with a18e hits, but I should have it going for a18 stable.

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