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Disable Zombies Jumping


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Hi, I'm trying to find a mod that removes zombies from leaping over thing or bouncing up and down.

It just doesn't look right and from what I feel a zombie can do jumping is not one of them.


I've tried searching around but can't find anything. Mods that I thought removed the jumping don't stop them from jumping up and down like they are being dangled by a string.

I'm not looking for a zombie overhaul, just want to go back to the way zombies were before they added jumping.

I just completely lost interest in the game once that was implemented and I can't find anyway, or any mod that completely gets rid of of just jumping.


Please help, and if it's been asked before I apologise, I did a search but I must be blind or not looking in the right place. Is there not an option in the game settings to turn that off like they have the ability to remove running zombies, which is another thing I can't stand, so why not an option to turn off jumping? Just feel like maybe adding more options to the game to allow for a bit more customizations may help keep people interested. But if it's a "sorry we like jumping zombies go somewhere else", I can do that.

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So it isn't the jumping of the spider zombie that disturbs you (as it seemed from your posts in the other thread) but even the jumping all zombies do when they want to jump on a block that is in front of them?


In that case you may be out of luck. Not because it isn't possible but because it concerns the animations of zombies and that isn't easily moddable. A modder would need to replace those animations with different animations that allow the zombie to climb on that block. And that is **a lot** more and vastly more complex work than for example remove one specific zombie.


And I have never heard your complaint from anyone else on the forum. So the chance that a modder exists who wants the same thing as you is extremely small. 


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Interesting discussion though.  Jump is hardcoded, but as stated, the jump animation could be replaced by a climb up and stand animation series in a custom controller.  Unfortunately only custom zombies would benefit, so all vanilla zombies would need to be replaced with clones that have that new controller.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Still have yet to find a mod. Not sure what you meant by Spider Zombies disturbing me. I'm more of a fan of the slow walking dangerous in large numbers or getting cornered in a room. The Spider Zombies are not really what I like to see in zombies but I was okay with letting myself open up a little to some other possibilities. However I was never a fan of having all zombies have the ability to leap over things. I understand they are trying to find ways of trying to make the game harder by eliminating pits and bases underground but I strongly feel they could have just made an option to turn off zombies climbing or jumping. They are not forcing the idea of making zombies run and gave the option of having them walk. If it's a level of feeling like "It's too easy", isn't that an option maybe some people like? Your not removing creative mode or removing the option to chose level difficulty so what is the big deal if someone wants to spend hours digging tunnels or pits. That is what I enjoyed but since a lot of the game style I used to enjoy has been chipped away at this game I can't seem to bring myself back to wanting to even try it anymore. Still I hold onto some hope that in one of these releases they will put those options there for those who want to enjoy that play style again. But I am okay moving on. Just say "We are never going to add an option to chose if Zombies jump or climb and if you play this game that is what you have to accept". I just tend to come back and check here now and then to see if maybe it was later added but really if it's never going to happen I'd rather just hear it and move on then to keep coming back every year to see if by some rare chance something was changed.

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  • 5 months later...

A ny news on if a feature was made to set zombies to a more classic style of zombie with no jumping or climbing ladders? Or has anyone come out with a MOD for that? Really hate the jumping zombie. Drives me nutts to be stading behind a car and seeing some zombie jumping up and down on the other side like it's having a freakout because it can't get to me. Really hate jumping zombies!


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I think  you need to make sure you distinguish between these behaviors:


  1. Spider zombies leaping at you
  2. All zombies jumping to climb up or down to get up or over a block
  3. All zombies climbing ladders

I'm not an expert in all these areas, but here's what I know:

  1. Leaping is captured in the AITask value of "Leap" in the entity class. In spider zombies it's "AITask-1". I think you can get rid of that but then move each task "up" one number (so after you delete "AITask-1" then "AITask-2" becomes "AITask-1" and so on). FWIW, mountain lions also use this task.
  2. As Xyth said, this is hard-coded and can't be removed. It's part of the AI, including pathing calculations. You could switch the jumping animation if you create a custom Unity controller that has a different animation, but that's incredibly complicated.
  3. Whether an entity can climb ladders or not is determined by the "CanClimbLadders" property in the entity class. In zombies it's set in the "zombieTemplateMale" class and inherited by other entity classes. Setting this to "false" will stop zombies from being able to climb ladders.

Hope that helps.

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It would be pretty cool if TFP put in a function to disable jumping and climbing. Have a setting for Shamblers with a default of NO, meaning that when this is set to YES, zombies do not jump or climb. In exchange, when they come after you they try to destroy whatever you're hiding on or in. That'd be pretty fun, actually. I like classic zombie horror.

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