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Replacing Grass


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Hey all! I've been doing attempts here and there for the past few weeks on replacing all of the grass in vanilla with custom assets. I've tried all forms of prefabs from unity. I've tried with / without shadows, w / w/o hitboxes, w / w/o tags, w / w/o LOD groups, shadows, occlusion, even tried lowering texture down to 256. Every time, when I put it into biomes.xml to load up with the same density as a vanilla grass (.4), it drops fps down to between 4 and 8. This is with using the tree class or grass class in xml as well. This happens when the model is just a plane, or an actual model, so it's not the geometry side of things I believe.

If anyone has managed to replace grass clusters with a custom model, with the same density as vanilla, would you respond and let me know what the trick is? Working on a fantasy style rpg mod and I've got some grass assets that would go better with the theme than the vanilla grasses.

Thanks all!

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