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Purpose of ModSlots and EntityDamage Attributes in meleeHandZombie01


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Hello. I'm trying to better understand the various zombie handItems that are defined in ITEMS.XML. I see two attributes called ModSlots and EntityDmage that frequently appear. Anyone have some info on what they do or how they impact the zombies' attacks?


<passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="0"/>
<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="10"/>


These attributes have many different values when it comes to tools and weapons, which makes sense. But, for the zombie handItems, these values don't seem to differ and typically are zero and 10, respectively.


If a create a new handItem, can I leave those out? Any clarification much appreciated.

Edited by ErrorNull (see edit history)
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Zombies do their attack with the handitem (also players when they fight with an empty slot I suppose). EntityDamage has values from 10 to 40. I know because I checked a few days ago.


Since a hand seems to be handled like a melee weapon it makes sense that it has a ModSlots setting but naturally it has no mod slots. It might be necessary to set it to 0 to turn off some automatisms inside the game.


If you want to test it, just set  EntityDamage of ZombieHanditem01 (or similar) to 110, spawn in a basic zombie and watch how he obliterates your lvl1 toon in one hit 😉


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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ok awesome! thanks @meganoth for the clarification.


I have only been modifying DamageEntity and not EntityDamage in order to vary attack strength of my enZombies. If I alter both attributes, do they just multiply each other? What's the difference between the two?


Below is the code for ZombieHanditem01:


<item name="meleeHandZombie01">
    <property name="Extends" value="meleeHandMaster"/>
    <property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/>
    <property class="Action0">
        <property name="DamageEntity" value="10"/>
        <property name="DamageBlock" value="8"/>
    <effect_group name="meleeHandZombie01" tiered="false">

        <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="0"/>
        <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="10"/>

        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="AddBuff" target="other" fireOneBuff="true"
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="ModifyCVar" target="other" cvar="infectionCounter" operation="add" value="10"><!--InfectionRegular-->
            <requirement name="CVarCompare" target="other" cvar="infectionCounter" operation="GT" value="0"/></triggered_effect>
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="ModifyCVar" target="other" cvar="abrasionZombieHit" operation="set" value="1800"/><!--AbrasionRegular-->

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I don't know. But DamageEntity is used for all *hand* type items and set to different values while EntityDamage is set once in MeleeHandMaster and meleeHandZombie01 and then passed on to all other hands unchanged. In other words, if we assume that different zombies do different damage then DamageEntity must be the value the hand uses for damage


Melee weapons and guns on the other hand don't use DamageEntity but instead use EntityDamage to set their damage.


If you have time for experiments, just double DamageEntity and halve EntityDamage for the playerhand and a weapon and run the game to see the damage you do with them and also what your character info says about damage when you have an empty slot or the weapon selected.


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On 8/12/2021 at 8:09 AM, meganoth said:

I don't know. But DamageEntity is used for all *hand* type items and set to different values while EntityDamage is set once in MeleeHandMaster and meleeHandZombie01 and then passed on to all other hands unchanged. In other words, if we assume that different zombies do different damage then DamageEntity must be the value the hand uses for damage


Melee weapons and guns on the other hand don't use DamageEntity but instead use EntityDamage to set their damage.


If you have time for experiments, just double DamageEntity and halve EntityDamage for the playerhand and a weapon and run the game to see the damage you do with them and also what your character info says about damage when you have an empty slot or the weapon selected.


Thanks @meganoth!


I was able to do a test and found that modifying the DamageEntity value within the zombie handItem code does not change the attack damage they inflict. So i'll be removing them from my zombies.

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Strange. See also this recent thread:

When I changed that value for the zombie handitem (and I am fairly sure that I really changed DamageEntity there) I not only observed the jump (which lead to a bug report by the way) but also did get about 30-40 damage per hit even though I had a full set of heavy armor on


So I really did see DamageEntity make a difference there.


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UPDATE: hey sorry I misspoke.. I meant to say EntityDamage and not DamageEntity. It was the EntityDamage attribute that I had varied within one of my UMA zombies... and it did not make any difference in the damage I received. I was a fresh level 1 player with no clothing or armor worn.


I also tested modifying EntityDamage for the vanilla businessman zombie (varied it from 1 to 100) and also no change in inflicted damage i received.


The labels are a bit confusing. LOL. It's like calling one item ChestArmor and another ArmorChest.

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