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A few ideas for end game content


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Salutations Survivors, 


I have been playing with a few friends for a few months now and every few weeks they get bored and spin up a new server, because they either have what they want or can't find it and get frustrated. The first things they told me was to never buy your level 10 attribute and you can't craft level 6 items, also don't go toe to toe with a dire wolf in your undies. I've learned that we could craft level 6 in the past, but it didn't work out well as people stopped going out. I have a few thoughts on this.


Make a level 11 attribute, you can't buy this level, it is level 10 plus the item, call it something like "Crank it up to 11". This has a few benefits, but mainly it gives an increase to an already maxed out skill set. Take shotguns for example: Level 10 str, cigar, level 5 Boomstick grants access to the "Crank it up!" level, the ability to craft level 6 shotguns. The gotcha is that each time a player crafts a level 6 item a random type of zombie gets a random perk, like HP increases by 1, it moves a little faster, better armor, or something like that, so crafting 1 item you probably won't notice, craft a half dozen and you might; sit there and grind out a ton of auto-shotties for the best stats, and you may decided to eat glass instead of fight the mini-hordes you spawn, so finding a level 6 is always a better option than crafting it, but it's not the only way to get a level 6 item.


Can we have a way to figure out some schematics, like if we scrap enough pump shotguns can we get a chance to learn a schematic with the parts?


Let's talk more about getting that level 6 item, or any item for that matter. I'd like there be a way to request an item from the Traders, make it tied to the Better Barter skill. Tier 1 and you can request common resources (iron, clay, non processed goods), tier 2 for common items (tools, low tier shotguns, ammo), tier 3 for uncommon items or books of a specific type (Shotgun Messiah books, schematics, higher tier shotguns like a pump or auto shotgun), and tier 4 for a specific item (like Shotgun Messiah Book 2, level 6 auto-shotgun, auto-shotgun schematics, or Shamway Secret Recipe) and it just increases the chance that he'll have it, or give you a job to go get it. It's only useable for 1 item, so all of the traders are looking for the same thing for you and as long as you've completed one job for the traders they will be on the lookout for you or tell you, I heard someone had that item you're looking for, and it gives you a job/marker to go to that trader who has it. 

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