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Stainless steel polish?

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I am making a recipe and want to include stainless steel polish as an ingredient, but I cannot find it used anywhere in the primary recipes the game comes with. Can I use it as an ingredient and if so, how? My recipe is already in-game and it shows up with everything else, I just need to know how to add it to my existing recipe.

Edited by The_Great_Sephiroth (see edit history)
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using a19.5 (the currently available build):

The item you are looking for  is called "resourceSteelPolish". You will find it in Config/items.xml

I ran a search on all files in Config directory and its not referenced anywhere else (anymore) in the recipes or anything *except* Config/Localization.txt, which has this line:

"resourceSteelPolish,items,Item,,X,Reinforced Steel Upgrade (deprecated),,...."


So, I believe the item "still exists" in a19.5, just no recipes use it, and no loot contains it and no traders sell it.

To test, try adding this to a recipe:

<ingredient name="resourceSteelPolish" count="1"/>

You'll likely see "Reinforced Steel Upgrade (deprecated)" as the ingredient name.


Its likely to be removed from items.xml at some point (and Localization.txt) so if you're making a mod/modlet, I would suggest copying the current steel polich item and localization and creating "your own" by naming it something like "resourceSephirothSteelPolish", just so when it gets removed from teh vanilla game, your mod will still have your own steel polish to use.


Additionally: It seems the TFP devs don't remove the icons from items when items are retired (maybe they do, just seems like they do not) so likely you can just keep referencing "resourceSteelPolish" as a custom icon for the item, but (unless you are wanting to make a fully server side safe mod), I woudl encourage you to copy the current resourceSteelPolish.png image file into your mod (and renaming it resourceSephirothSteelPolish.png) so you'll always have it available.


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I found it somewhere, perhaps items.xml, and saw it was deprecated. That means that we can't currently create stainless steel blocks. I had built a heavy-duty base in A17 using those blocks and exported it to a POI. I still use it. I hope they're not removing those.


The good news is that I can ALWAYS install an older version of the game (thanks, Pimps!) and pull the code if needed.


Thank you for your help!

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2 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

I found it somewhere, perhaps items.xml, and saw it was deprecated. That means that we can't currently create stainless steel blocks. I had built a heavy-duty base in A17 using those blocks and exported it to a POI. I still use it. I hope they're not removing those.


The good news is that I can ALWAYS install an older version of the game (thanks, Pimps!) and pull the code if needed.


Thank you for your help!


I'm pretty sure that you could never actually craft stainless steel blocks. You could only upgrade from steel to stainless steel.


If that's what you want to do, you have to re-add the ability to upgrade from steel to stainless steel.


You would add something along these lines into the "steelMaster" block:

<property class="UpgradeBlock">
    <property name="ToBlock" value="stainlessSteelMaster"/>
    <property name="Item" value="resourceSteelPolish"/>
    <property name="ItemCount" value="1"/>
    <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4"/>


Unfortunately, you'll have to add additional code to every steel block shape, so they upgrade to the correct stainless steel block shape. You only have to specify the stainless steel block, not the rest (they inherit). For example, in the "steelRamp" block, insert this:

<property class="UpgradeBlock">
    <property name="ToBlock" value="stainlessSteelRamp" />


Hope that helps.


EDIT: Of course, you also have to add in some way to get stainless steel polish in the first place. I'm pretty sure that it was only available from higher-level trader loot in past alphas. If you want to do that now, I believe you would add the steel polish to the "modAllT5SecretStash" trader item group in traders.xml.

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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21 hours ago, khzmusik said:


I'm pretty sure that you could never actually craft stainless steel blocks. You could only upgrade from steel to stainless steel.


If that's what you want to do, you have to re-add the ability to upgrade from steel to stainless steel.


You would add something along these lines into the "steelMaster" block:

<property class="UpgradeBlock">
    <property name="ToBlock" value="stainlessSteelMaster"/>
    <property name="Item" value="resourceSteelPolish"/>
    <property name="ItemCount" value="1"/>
    <property name="UpgradeHitCount" value="4"/>


Unfortunately, you'll have to add additional code to every steel block shape, so they upgrade to the correct stainless steel block shape. You only have to specify the stainless steel block, not the rest (they inherit). For example, in the "steelRamp" block, insert this:

<property class="UpgradeBlock">
    <property name="ToBlock" value="stainlessSteelRamp" />


Hope that helps.


EDIT: Of course, you also have to add in some way to get stainless steel polish in the first place. I'm pretty sure that it was only available from higher-level trader loot in past alphas. If you want to do that now, I believe you would add the steel polish to the "modAllT5SecretStash" trader item group in traders.xml.

If you want the "UpgradeToBlock" code, I already did this is in my server and can give you the code so you don't have to do it all xD


I didn't add it to the Trader or any Loot Containers, but that's pretty simple as well :)


I also have a recipe for Stainless Steel Polish but it uses new materials, can always change it up though, that's the easy part

Edited by alffr0mm3lmac (see edit history)
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I already have the ability to upgrade the blocks, I understand that, but with the stainless polish being outdated (I would like to know why) I cannot quite do what I want the way I want to. I know I can add it in and do whatever whenever, but I am trying to keep pace with The Pimps so my stuff is updated.


One thing I have observed in recent patches is zombies getting tougher and players getting weaker. 200 max HP now, no more stainless steel blocks (if not using admin mode or creative), things break just by use, such as the electric fence (never had this happen in the real world with horses), and other things. Seems zombies are being given the upper hand now despite having us in numbers. Heck even horde night seems tougher. I managed to get to around level 80 by the first bloodmoon and we had zeds storming us from 10pm to 2:30am non-stop. I do not seem to recall the first horde ever being so beefy, but I know the gamestage affects it. Not complaining here, just an observation.

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