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Blade Server needing port configurations for 4 dedicated games off the same IP{ address


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HELP! Can anyone explain the port needs to me?
I have a blade server with 4 different Win10 instances and dedicated games of 7D2D.
I want to have each of them on a different port at the same router's external IP address.
I see plenty of info on setting up ports for 1 dedicated server. I cannot find anything on setting up multiple ones
This is normally what I see online
TCP/UDP 26900
UDP 26901-26902
TCP 8080-8082
and 8080 for the web panel
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Are you using XCP-ng? VMWare Server? Hyper-V? Saying you have a server with four virtualized instances of 10 doesn't mean much. This is very simple but we need your setup. I deal with virtualization all day and can help, but I need the hypervisor and you will need to set each 10 VM to have a unique, static IP.


Assuming your VMs are setup with something sane, take this example.






Assuming your router is, and that your Hypervisor doesn't firewall the VMs (looking at you, Hyper-V), you simply setup each server one at a time. RDP into VM1, edit the server configuration to whatever you want. I would set VM1 to use game port 26901, VM2 to use 26902, and so on and so forth. I would do the same for the web port. VM1 could use 8081, VM2 could use 8082, and so on. Now just configure forwarding on the router to the VM addresses and you are done.

UDP Only:
26901 to
26902 to

26903 to
26904 to


TCP Only:

8081 to

8082 to

8083 to

8084 to


Done. Again, this depends on your setup.

Edited by The_Great_Sephiroth
Changed VM to addresses (see edit history)
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I have plans to install 4 Win 10 instances using ESXi (friend's suggestion and he is helping me install it) because I am completely familiar with RDP (as well as Win10). From my understanding, I can utilize a full Win10 License with ESXi.


I did look into Hyper-v and it seemed it had a 45 day window. I have not looked into XCP-ng, VMWare Server or Hyper-V. 


It really comes down to that I'd rather work with something familiar and (in my eyes) stable.

That said, I have altered my main server during some port testing and it cannot be joined if I do not open up the additional UDP ports of 26901-26902. So, if I change the <property name="ServerPort" value="26900"/> I am unsure what to do with the additional UDP ports as they cannot be defined in the serverconfig.xml file.


Edited by Abrondino (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, Abrondino said:
This is normally what I see online
TCP/UDP 26900
UDP 26901-26902

That info is old. You now need the base port +3. So in this case it would be

UDP 26900-26903

TCP 26900


Each server will need it's own range. The port is up to you depending on what you have open on the server.

And example would be:


Server 1 = 26900-26903

Server 2 = 26905-26908

Server 3 = 26910-26913



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Beelzybub, this is not the case for me. I forwarded UDP 26900 to the VM (in my actual server farm) hosting the server and it works fine. The setup has not changed in years. It is currently working with A19.5 as a matter of fact. Can you explain this? I do know that if it only needs the base port to connect and the other two are what the connections get handed off to, you do not need to forward them because those statuses will pass any firewall with w "RELATED,ESTABLISHED" rule.


Kind of like how you connect to SSH on TCP 22, but once connected you are actually handed off to some random port much higher up which is not forwarded. This does not require forwarding. Are you saying the game client makes three unique connections per server?


Abrondino, ESXi is dated but it is fine. XCP-ng is the open-source evolution of XenServer. XCP is hawt! I do not recommend Hyper-V, but that is just my preference.


As for your setup, you need to understand what you are doing. If you are going to have FOUR Windows 10 VMs, you are only setting up one server per VM. Imagine them as four separate PCs on four separate desks. They do not conflict with each other. They each have their own IP address and each runs ONE 7 Days server. So you configure the first VM with your first port setup. The second VM with the second port setup. And so on, and so forth.


Honestly, you're wasting resources doing it this way. Stick a copy of Server 2019 or your favorite Linux (I run Gentoo, but I would recommend Artix, shell-only) and put all four on the actual metal. There is no reason to isolate these via VM. It takes time and resources to virtualize. If you have a powerful server, why not let the 7 Days server processes utilize it?

Edited by The_Great_Sephiroth (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, Abrondino said:

I want to have each of them on a different port at the same router's external IP address.

@The_Great_SephirothI was assuming using a single IP based on the op's message. This works in Linux, but with windows vms you need to differentiate the vms, by port assignments as well as natted ips. I've done this myself but had a range of static ips available to nat to each server, so I dunno if you can do it with just one ip. Not saying you can't.


1 hour ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

Can you explain this?

I cannot explain what works for you. I have not tried your setup.

Every post I see on the subject of ports, except yours, recommends the ports as I stated be opened.

I've followed that instruction and it's worked for me, thus, my recommendation.

Edited by Beelzybub (see edit history)
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The only problem with Linux is that the mods I have may not be compatible.

I think the suggestion of Server 2019 is a solid one. I was only going with Win 10 because that's the initial OS I own for the hardware.


I am in the understanding that each of them will be a different IP. I may have to look into how ESXi  is going to display these.

I want to thank all three of you for your suggestions. Truly appreciated.


It seems I have some testing ahead of me.

For the record, my plan for the 4 instances of 7D2D is this

  • Server #1: Main server PVE 
  • Server #2: Main Server PVE (The difference between server 1 & 2 is map age. Meaning, rather than dealing with players upset over a map reset, I can leave the last map up while others migrate to the new map) Bandwidth should be about the same due to a split of players
  • Server #3:  PVP (A complete copy of the most recent PVE map from either server 1 or two) - Copied over once a week overwriting the current PVP on Server #3
  • Server #4: Test server



Edited by Abrondino (see edit history)
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I am sure Sylen will be along soon.
he is very experienced with this.


I can also help as well as i host 7 servers for 7 days to die.


i use windows 2019 standard.


IF you still need help feel free to join my discord and i will personally help you as much as possible.




links are on teh website.

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haha  I replied to his Steam thread before I got here. 


We've got two blades with four ports each active. One is running Win 10, and the other on Ubuntu. We run all the 7 Days servers on the Linux box using LGSM, and each instance is on it's own user account. Binding to the adapter is easily done in the LGSM config file for each server. Really the hardest part of everything was setting up the VLANs. 

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Linux has nothing to do with mods, Unity does. Unless somebody wrote a hook and compiled it for Windows (like aimbotters do), any normal mod, which as far as I know are mostly XML, will work on any OS because the game loads and parses the mods, not the OS. If you have something that goes outside the bounds of the game to mod stuff I would be wary because an EAC or VAC ban is no fun.


As for the rest, why do you need ESXi? I have run four Ark servers, which are FAR more resource-demanding than 7 Days, on a single box. The box is a SuperMicro setup, 64GB of ECC DDR4, RAID10 BTRFS SSD, and two octa-core Xeons. There is no need to use virtualization here and it will lower your performance. It sounds to me like you've read a lot of info and may be a tad burned out on the avalanche of information. The point is, no matter what OS you choose to use, you do not need virtualization in your scenario. You can run a hundred 7 Days server on Linux or Server 2019 on bare metal if you have the resources.


My advice for your unique setup, would be to choose a powerful OS (not a workstation OS like 10) and put it right onto your server, write four configuration files, and run all four right there.


Beelzybub, I thought you were a team member who could answer that query. I see now you are not. You've just been here forever.

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9 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

Beelzybub, I thought you were a team member who could answer that query. I see now you are not. You've just been here forever.

Don't think that follows. There are a number of team members who set up ports the way the staff has recommended.

Edited by Beelzybub (see edit history)
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57 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

No problem. I didn't want you thinking I was trying to insult or offend you. I respect those who have knowledge and share it. I'll remove what I had in my previous post momentarily.

FYI, when I first read your post, I initially thought to myself that you were being dismissive of Beelzybub because he wasn't a team member of TFP.  I did stop and re-read it a few times before I realized that wasn't your intent (and before I posted a response in defense of him  😉 )


Sometimes we lose the intent of our message when we communicate digitally.  It happens to me more times than I care for.  We see the words on the screen before us, but we don't see the smiling going on when someone is typing up the message or the smirk to indicate just how serious they are being  😁

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Yeah, forums and text can be great for archival purposes but sometimes the feeling doesn't get across. Also, i tend to be fairly blunt in the real world as I would want people to be with me, and maybe that bleeds across here as well. All good though, hopefully the OP can figure out his setup and get it going, though I still fail to see the need for four entire operating systems to run four servers.

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On 6/10/2021 at 2:42 PM, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

Beelzybub, I thought you were a team member who could answer that query. I see now you are not.

Really disappointing to hear I'm not a member of the team. I genuinely thought I was.

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