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Item Type Icons available

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Just Curious if there is a list somewhere or where to find the "itemtypeicons" that are available in the game already.  Have done a little digging, But have not found them yet.  Just a list of names would be great, or just the location to find them.




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I assume you mean a list of values that you can use in the "ItemTypeIcon" property of an item or block?


If so - there is a list of .tga icons, which can be used with buffs, in XML.txt (starting on line 1793). However, not all of them can be used for the value of "ItemTypeIcon". You need the ones that start with "ui_game_symbol". That prefix is added in controls.xml and windows.xml, so don't include the prefix in the "ItemTypeIcon" value.


But, long as that list is, it isn't complete. So, you could also search the code for other "ItemTypeIcon" values that TFP use, and include them.


Short of decompiling the Unity bundles, I think that's as much information as you're going to get.

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One other thing you might find useful. If you want an icon that's not available in vanilla, you can create your own. You just have to name it with the correct prefix.


I didn't know this myself. It was figured out here: 

EDIT: if you do this, of course both clients and servers will need to install the modlet to pick up the icons.

Edited by khzmusik
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