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More customizable gameplay settings?


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Hi TFP & Everyone.


I dont know if it was talked ever before or not, but i had an idea about adding some more game and difficulty options to the game. I know my list is totally subjective and hardcore ideas, and the amount of work to implement them can be very overwhelming, plus i dont have any clue that TFP planning or not doing something similar: But any way would it be possible at least to create a mod something like this? I think even more customization options means more possibilites and more personalized gameplay experience and game balance even for new and veteran players :) So i think about things like the following examples:


- Seperated option to set loot abundance % on how many bullets can the players find in loot

- Seperated option to set loot abundance % on how many food and drink can the players find in loot

- Seperated option to set loot abundance % on how many medical items can the players find in loot

- Seperated option to set loot abundance % on how many tools and weapons can the players find in loot

- Seperated option to set loot abundance % on how many crafting materials can the players find in loot

- Seperated option to trader prices and general amount of goods & qualities at them


- More zombie options regarding additional zombie speed like "Jog+" for speed between "Jog" and "Run". Maybe adding a speed modifier option would be even better than the existing pre-defined speeds (i dont know its just me but i found jog sometimes still too slow but running is too fast on Survivalist+ difficulty?)

- Adjustable chance of random zombie rage (0 means they cant go rage, 100 means they became faster at the first hit you land on them)


Instead of pre-defined game difficulty settings:

- Adjustable modifier for zombies / animals base damage on players

- Adjustable modifier for player base damage on zombies / animals

- built-in headshot only option (zeds can die only from headshots and almost no damage on any other body parts)


And not least some zombie / animal spawn settings per biomes

- Adjustable modifier for zombie spawn frequency / quantity

- Adjustable modifier for wandering hordes spawn frequency / multiplier

- Adjustable modifier for wild animal spawn frequency / multiplier


I know most of these settings can be edited in the .xml files, but making them adjustable ingame would be more easy and comfortable especially for players does not know how to mod their game


This is all for now :)


And the most important thing is: Its not a demand, only just some suggestions and ideas

Edited by kexes (see edit history)
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