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Please. I am begging you , dear developers (╥﹏╥)


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Make shooting more comfortable with really good animations for new "hadnmade" and old weapons (which have big problems in this) for first person view. This is the one of most important things in gameplay. I really hope that you will do good work on this part of a game (╥﹏╥)


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I don't know what he means and I'm not entirely sure what it is myself, but comparing the gunplay to other games; there is something that just feels really clunky. It's something you can "learn around", as in once you get the hang of it, it doesn't really bother you - so I wouldn't exactly call it bugged. But coming back from a break always feels really odd for the first little while.


I might try to figure it out for myself in the near future, been eyeing my Doom on steam for a while now.. :)

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 Most of the reload animations look insanely cheap and were done without efforts( for example, zombie physics looks pretty cool). Shooting feels clunky, and the sound is not great (not the most important part). I really hope, that shooting from new weapons and their reload animations will be enjoyable for everyone who use it. I want to get pleasure from using weapon. Not to use it because i dont have a choice
I am not a native english speaker 

Edited by Robloxx (see edit history)
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I could not tell about the reload animation as whenever it is up I happen to be paying a lot of attention to my surroundings and the friendly neighborhood.

But what is it about the clunkyness of shooting? Do you feel positioning of your crosshairs is too bothersome after recoil, or too imprecise?

The switching of weapons perhaps? 

I am afraid I missed out on the last generation or thirty of shooters so might fail to properly draw comparisons.

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1 hour ago, Robloxx said:

 Most of the reload animations look insanely cheap and were done without efforts

*Scratches head* 🤨 what?

Insanely "cheap"? No effort put into this? Like, at all?


I mean how much more accurate do you wanna have such basic gesture like reloading? The Beretta reloads like the real-life one. Same for the Desert Vulture (Desert Eagle), the M60, the Pump and Double-Barrel shotguns. Seems like good enough efforts have been put into this so the reloading procedures are the most accurate possible, regarding the real-life counterparts. This actually makes the experience much less boring and generic.


Your judgement seems to be a bit harsh concerning the values of efforts the devs put in... Maybe you should teach the Pimps how to properly make reloading better? You have extended knowledge about the matter?

Edited by Kyonshi (see edit history)
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The gunplay is for sure not on a Battlefield, CoD or Division Level but who would really compare a voxelbased game with a triple A shooter?

I played a lot of Empyrion, in this comparsion the gunplay is golden!


Without comparing it to a better or worse example the gunplay in 7days is pretty good. The different reactions of zombies getting hit in different bodyparts gives a lot of immersion. Hitting zombies walking sideways feels often weird, mostly you wait for them walking straight into your direction. Some zombieanimations are to fast or to frantic. There is sure potential to improve a lot but the actual state is enjoyable.


The critics to the reload animations... i dont know what to say.. never thought about it...i like them...no problem with them.

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1 hour ago, Axonius said:

I suspect OP is referring to the blunderbuss.. Thats a pretty slow animation by design. I'm sure newer players get burned when trying to use it.


The life expectancy of the blunderbuss can be measured in a small number of months.

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I am on my knees)
Hunting rifle has laggy animation and i dont feel anything when i reload ak and top sniper rifle (no power or enything i wanna see ) Blunderbuss- is like a meme.  Lets hope, that new weapon wont be like any 3 of this. If someone think that i am a picky or a new player -the answer is no. I have been playing this game almost from the beginning and it became much bigger and complex. So if they wanna be a completed game - there have to be a plesure from using  a weapon too . I am happy to hear a good news from Laz Man. I hope that they will do it only better with updates.
L U ❤️

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the old problems Hollywood had with CGI was that characters movements would be jerky and non-lifelike. I do think that the current animations are reminiscent of this, but it's a pet peeve thing. You either don't care about it or it bugs you. I don't play the game for the gunplay but I'm not going to say others can't care about it. Games like CoD (about the only thing CoD gets right), Killing Floor, Doom, and a plethora of others have smooth and "comfortable" gunplay/animations. Of course CoD also gives you a 100 round AR magazine for your RPK in Black Ops III, so realism is out the window. The thing those games have in common is that they are built around the gunplay. If they failed at it nobody would play them at all. 7D2D isn't built around the gunplay. Yeah, it would be really cool if those things were smoothed out but I don't see it as a huge issue.

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