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Purgatory Server-Side Overhaul Official A19.6 Server


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Purgatory Server-Side Overhaul Official Server Information





This server runs the Purgatory Server-Side Overhaul Mod for Alpha 19.5 and uses a Compopack 47 and Vanilla prefab populated KingGen created map. Meaning the only mod you need to play on this server is the compopack 47 rwg mod. This mod is in version 1.0 and as such has much expansion planned ahead, as well as possible bugs to catch and report currently. Primary bugs remaining are missing icons. Please report any bugs you find on the discord purgatory bugs channel which you can find through the additional info link at the bottom of this post. 

All build restrictions have been lifted. Do what you need to do to survive out there.


Horde Night is set to every 7 days. Horde Night Spawning set to 9 per player.

24 Hour Day set to 120 minutes.

Daylight length is set to 16 hours in game, making night start at 2200 and end at 0600. This also means horde night runs until 0600. It doesn't affect trader times though, because they are always open, and most are not protected.

Loot abundance and XP are set to 100%.

Game Difficulty set to Adventurer for now. Will raise it when the average death rate drops and by popular vote of players active regularly.


Server Name:    Purgatory Overhaul Official Server
Players:    Up to 16 online at a time
Connection Info:

Password:    ThinkItThrough


Purgatory Overhaul Info:

There are more zombies spawning and more types of zombies. There are baby animals and dire animals.


(one of my playtesters said i had to note that there is one Spirit of the Forest sized Massive Deer that is passive and will not attack you but is the size of a small house) And a host of other passive normally predator animals that will actually fight predator animals and zombies that approach. As well as guard animals you can summon from hell to defend you, and some elemental ore dogs too. You can find those guard summoning stones at your local traders.

There are mutant monster animals. There are also drones that will attack you. All zombies take less damage from body shots and more damage from headshots. Aim Accordingly. All zombies also have random HP, anywhere from vanilla values to +450HP. I added the HP bar so you could see how tough they are and how effectively you are hitting them. You're still probably going to die a lot. Especially considering invisible ice hazards and quicksand exist now randomly in appropriate biomes.


Speaking of dying, bedrolls are no longer respawn points, but they can keep you from dying if you stand on one. That works for zombies too, and wears off when you attack. You can however wrench down any normal bed you find in a POI or just craft one, and when you place that bed it will function as a respawn point for you. And any time you do die, all your perks as well as books and recipes/schematics you have read will be reset. You get your perk points back into your unspent perk point pool, but the books are lost. This is why the Study Desk is important. (JUNE 18, 2021 UPDATE Bedrolls have returned as useable respawn points to counterbalance the new Twitch Powers of the vanilla zombies and vultures.)


There are more lootable containers, and many now have a chance of being locked and needing to be lockpicked. And there are a handful of random working vehicles along roads out there to be found. If it's unlocked and has an empty storage, it's yours to take and use. There are 2 new traders, a cloned Jen and an Android Jen, both of which you can craft and then spawn into the world where you want them as part of the new late game crafting. The android will help improve your healing and critical injury healing times, but will also wander off if you leave the doors open. 


There are new quests, new quest types, even some Tier 6 quests available in the ReQuests Bulletin Boards. Tier 7 and above are in the works but not active in this version of Purgatory. There are new items, of every type, including dyes. There are no new painting textures, but you can craft every type of block in the game and the Dev Paintbrush (will be locked behind a book in a future mod version). You can now craft Tier 6 items, if you take the new perk that governs it, which is also the only way to craft higher than Tier 1 items of any type. There's also one new book series for the Stun Baton as well as a book series that doesn't give completion bonuses but does give tips on 7DaystoDie and a perk point when you read each one. As well there are books on the different combat skills which grant you a point in that skill when you read them. Many original books no longer get destroyed when reading them, instead leaving a read copy in your inventory you can give to others/sell or craft into Survivor Notes in the Study Desk. Do not scrap them unless you want paper. 


You can make special primitive workstations without a perk at the start of the game. They are slower and not great, but they are easier to make. When you look in the crafting inventory for the workbench, chemistry station, or forge, there should be a special version that is unlocked. There are many new Special Items that are currently loot only or if craftable it is only because they will be locked behind a mastery perk in a future mod version but still need finetuning in playtesting.


Why would you want to make a workstation without a perk? Because the starting classes will give you relevant perks and attribute points when you complete the class challenge's 3 steps. They will also give you a bunch of starting equipment, make sure your inventory has plenty of space before opening the class starting chest or turning in any quests. 


For all you miners out there wondering what's in it for you. Well, firstly, nitrate mining is the only source of salt needed for all the sous chef perk recipes. Not exciting enough, I understand that. Would it excite you to know that there are now invisible veins of silver, gold, and diamonds? What does invisible mean? Well it just means the block will look like gravel or sand or clay terrain blocks or even sometimes stone blocks or wasteland terrain blocks, but when you hit them it will sound like hitting iron ore. They also have more HP than their apparent terrain block type. This means you harvest higher amounts of the vein type you are hitting - silver, gold, or diamonds. Not only that, but there are new perks to make your life easier.


There's a lot more to learn about what's different in this overhaul. Including story to uncover. In this mod you take the role of a poor soul sucked into purgatory so that magejosh could escape it to warn his friends of something. He left you with some stuff to help, but either way you're now stuck here. Possibly dying over and over again until you can find your way out. 


If you need to get somewhere safe when you first login, type /lobby in the ingame chat. You will be teleported to a safe place, but it only works if you've killed at least one zombie. Magic has a cost. 


Additional Overhaul Tips and Server Info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12K-YmXT7HhG-i1YOqVhlFghF8thggnN_SzZFJbEGWHA/edit?usp=sharing

Edited by magejosh
Updated Information (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Loving this mod. Unfortunately (or maybe not) I can only play overnight while I'm working (with boss's permission).

Played first time last night and spent my first night in a POI trying to find lock picks. It was a combo between a school/ jail.  I found the picks, but got greedy for knowledge.  I started into the night and found HELL. Somehow some screamers found me (10 by the end of the night) and all manner of zombie jerks mobbed me after. There were 5 sasquatch, several green spiders, a couple wrestlers, a zombie siren, and even an irradiated Grace! Not to mention all of the zombie types from vanilla (except demos, shockingly). I LOVED IT!!! even though I died a ton! (All I wanted was to get my picks back. Lol)

The only glitch I saw was with the scarecrow. They first spawned as nothing but clothes, so I was caught off guard when I caught myself on fire. I don't think they (pretty sure I faced 3 of them) ever fully rendered, there was always some part missing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah the scarecrow often fails to properly apply the jackolantern head buff. And spins comically on death. But it makes me laugh so i left it. 

I'm super happy to hear you are enjoying it. Version 1 build beta 1 is out on the server now. The downloadable version is uploading now and the link will be posted on the google doc for the server and on my discord for now as i have to get ready for work. I will be posting here on the forum when i have time to sit down and finish the credits section for everyone involved in the overhaul. 

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  • magejosh changed the title to Purgatory Server-Side Overhaul Official A19.5 Server
  • 4 weeks later...
  • magejosh changed the title to Purgatory Server-Side Overhaul Official A19.6 Server

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