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Starting questions(dedi) - spawn, xp, loot etc.

John Black

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Hi, some starting questions - (Dedicated Server)


  1. Kids will be starting with me, can I set a single spawn location for all?
  2. If I up the the xp multiplier, would we be able to become 'jack of all trades'? (ballpark multiplier ~40h to jack of all trades?)
  3. Is there any way to make loot just be plain random? i.e. low,high quality based on luck only?


Thanks you!

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  1. Don't think so, but you can use command DM (open console with F1 then type and execute it there once to enable it, second time will disable it). It enables teleporting when you're on the map view (control + right click on map where you wanna go). You have to "team up" (there's an option ingame to friend them and invite them to a team/party) so you can see eachother on the map view.
  2. Yes. Don't know exactly the number, but you can fiddle with the multiplier every time you're starting the game in the options part (on the server comp obviously).
  3. I think so, but you'd have to search the mods section of the forum.
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1. IF you are running the dedi or have access to the save folder of said map,

there is a spawnpoints.xml text file in the folder.  you should enter map and set this up before your players join.

example for mine  is C:\Users\joe\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds\map name folder\spawnpoints.xml


* copy it for backup.
* hop into the map and go to where you want have everyone to spawn at.
* drop console and type lp to get the x y z (4th is arbitrary to direction youll be facing) of where you are standing
* leave game
* open the spawnpoints.xml
* in between the tags (remove any coords that may be there and add only the one you wrote down)
****** the coords here are for examples but keep the format ******
<spawnpoint position="1385,61,154" rotation="0,90,0"/> ****** the middle number is the direction to face zero should be north 90 should be east and so forth

* save xml
* start dedi and map back up and now when people join they will spawn at tha location.


i do this for all my maps for the same reason.. my son and daughter and their friends and kids... this keeps everyone in same area unless they venture off on their own.

QA Tester-unholyjoe


Edited by unholyjoe (see edit history)
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I do know if you are using Nitrogen to gen the map, there is a shared spawnpoint option.


BTW, that is something that really should be added in the base game for co-op as an option.





I should look into the xml and see what nitrogen does. Probably just what is posted above, only 1 spawnpoint.


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as for an option... i see use for it. but...



remember... 1 bad apple always spoils the whole batch. we cant force people to do certain things as anything can and will be abused. (like... and this is only an example of how it can be abused.... a pvp server owner/operator decides to make a single spawn point and just ruin a good experience for players who didnt know that was going to happen.. yes i know there are many good reason but just as many bad ones)


so as long as it is something that we can do just by mods or modifying the xmls, i am ok with it and devs can concentrate on getting their goals into the game for gold.


i know many people want many options.. but sometimes we need to keep overhead down and let the community modders do what they want.

Edited by unholyjoe (see edit history)
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10 hours ago, John Black said:

Guys, thanks for the effort and info, much appreciated. We're all up and running and having a blast so far.

no, wait, what, who said you were to have fun...  we cant have people having fun. :) something must be wrong. :)

glad to see its all good now.

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