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Forwarding a connecting player


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It would be great if a method would become available, that would allow a server to forward a player in the case the server is full

We run 2 servers,  1 has a very low population  and the other is nearly most of the day capped out on players.

Even tho the servers are clones,  both are the same,  same mods, same map, just a different name,  The low pop server struggles to get past 5 players on it


From what i am told, there is no way this can be done right now.

If this is wrong and is actually possible,  Id also love to hear that :)







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How are the servers mirrored? And they are mirrored in both directions (merged)?

Is their world in sync at all time? With every thing some players built, which POIs are looted, where trees have been planted, how far players garden are grown?

That would require sync very often, if not even live-sync. And even if it is possible to sync two world, i guess it wouldn't be a good idea to sync them while players are playing on them.


I guess they are not live-synced and that's the reason why players don't want to play on the other server. And that's also the reason why forwarding/load-balancing players makes no sense.

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Not mirrored , its a clone.  not synced up.
I was looking for a way i would be able to redirect the new players that join to the other server. considering the amount of fresh players that try to connect, but end up leaving because it full it would allow for a method for us to fill up the other server.

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