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Sledge turret not working properly at a certain height?


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I built a horde base on top of a building that least 25 blocks high. The Zs go up a long ladder until they reach my spot. They then walk along a short pass where my sledge turret is positioned so that it should push them down when they are walking on the flat surface and not when they're climbing up (the sledge wont push them off the ladder).

But the turret just wont do crap. I'm near it enough, it turns left and right, its placed right by the pass so it cant miss anything walking by. Its active. But the Zs just go by and nothing happens. I know the turret works because i use it on street level. But it refuses to bump anything up there.

So, am i missing something about how turrets work? Has something changed so that sledge turrets wont push down Zs at a certain height so that it creates a loop and damages them from the high fall, in the process?

Edited by Kyonshi (see edit history)
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I don't think it's intentional, it wouldn't really fit.. I have used a turret to knock down zeds, and it was pretty finicky; my issues were with pretty much any blocks in the proximity; I first made a little shelf for them, which made them unable to aim; then I put them on the floor and they still wouldn't aim properly.. that changed when I removed a nearby pillar. Having it stand on a flat floor eventually worked.. after that it was possible to modify the area somewhat, but I didn't do too much testing at that point.


So, if you have anything else there, try removing it ... pretty useless advice, sure, but ... it's a little weird :)

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A good way to get hits is to have your sledge at a corner.

So if you can picture a hallway as an "L" and the zombies come in from the top, then your turret is at the corner facing up, in an alcove.


I did that and it can be pretty funny!  Its not 100% effective but it can sometimes beat them like eggs.

It's not THE most effective use of them of course, but it is fun to watch!

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i had a similar issue at 5 blocks height, the sledge turret was standing perfect positioned, it had zombies in front of it but it didnt hit anything.


so i had my base with block 5 height as the floor, i had a walkway leading up to som iron bars where i would fight of the zeds, i out the sledge on one of the sides( standing on floor level before the bars. i had a ramp block at 5 height leading up to the bars so i think that was the main issue.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, so I have same problem, having kinda maze where turrets are placed on block that is placed next to their road but they completly ignore zeds. Im near enough to make them work, they are moving, laser on, but ignoring zeds. Problem is that on my first bloodmoon they worked, which is kinda strange. I tried to pick them up, modify, put them back again but no success, they do nothing.

I placed weighted head mod on both of them, which I hadnt on my first bloodmoon, so I might try to remove it and wait for next bloodmoon to see if it works or not, but

nothing else comes to my mind. Screenshot attached. Thx for any insight






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