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I love timed charges


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Plunk one or two on a safe or a vault door :) back off and it is opened with finesse. my only complaint is that it should wake up every Zed in the complex and it doesn't but if it did it would become, not unusable, but I might be a whole lot more reluctant to use it and go back to using lock picks. Or maybe I just set the damn charge off, pull out my gun, and channel John Wayne.


If you don't know who John Wayne is that would be Clint Eastwood or Arnold Schwarzenegger or The Rock.

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I have never once used those . . . because of the assumption that they would draw/wake up every Z in a 10 block radius.


This is of of course based on the evidence in the game that Z's have superhuman hearing and can hear you open a cabinet from a block away.

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