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REQUEST - A Deathclaw mod


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I am working on creating a more Fallout like experience based around bdubyah's The Wasteland mod.  But what Fallout experience would be complete without Deathclaws?

Using P1ut0niumGames P1ut0_Radioactive(A19) from Nexus I can now create rad zones by painting the radiation.png map, and working anti-radiation suits.  I figured out how to add a lead lining mod to the Power Armor and have added in StimPacks.  I'm working on creating RadAway. etc.  It's one thing to recolor an existing icon image and rename it to suit what you are making, or to write the xml code to add your <item name="medicalStimPack"/>...  but animation is way over my technical ceiling.

So, tossing this out to the Winds of Chance and Patron Saints of Luck.  Would anyone be interested in tackling a mod that adds Deathclaws to 7 Days?

Thanks in advance for any work done, or information pointing me towards a Fallout fan who can handle 7D2D animation!
- Geoff


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