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19.4 Version new start - Problems bad luck only ?


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played 1400 hours now .


Is ist only bad luck or normal now ?


Problem: lootet several POIS, spend points, Day 5. Found much Ammo, best shooting device is found ol shotgun - the one its here calles as perkussion gun.


Problem 2: found Book for building a normal handgun but i cant make a workbench. Normally no problem but all workbenchens at traiders pois werde destroyed. Dont found the ingredience to build the workbench. 2 Traders found but dont sell the wrench which is needed...


Tried 2 games - no workbench craftable or usable at day 5 - no handgun/normal gun found - Ammo no problem but no device to shoot with.


Problem 3 : the wounded system: even if you find a Pills Poi - no antibiotica ist found.... And nost mob infect you... Honex in treestumps- very rare...


I had much fun in the later versions before patch 19 but now its frustrating and not much fun.



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Well it's a survival game so it's kinda the point of the game don't ya think. Sure it's sandbox but that doesn't mean they will throw all the stuff in the first 1-2 hours of playing. Wrenches are damn easy to be found. Just search a hotel go in and loot the kitchen and you will easily get one after some minutes. Antibiotica are rare and thats good. You're not supposed to be hit it's a survival game remember? Stay far from danger and play safe. You can't just start a game and instantly go inside a POI to farm things. Sure you an but it won't be easy (depending on your settings I always play as hard as possible :D so I stay far from any POI)

What I can say the game isn't the problem. If it's too hard just change the loot or difficulty or exp or whatever^^

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Hell, turn the loot down to 25% and see what you get!! 

If it wasn't for the traders, I wouldn't have any guns, except for a level 1 pistol I FINALLY found on day 10 or 11, no cement mixer, no workbench. 

Hell I didn't even find a blunderbuss until day 7 or 8. Ammo is scarce. I kinda like playing this way, definitely makes the game way more challenging.

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16 hours ago, Narima said:

played 1400 hours now .


Is ist only bad luck or normal now ?


Problem: lootet several POIS, spend points, Day 5. Found much Ammo, best shooting device is found ol shotgun - the one its here calles as perkussion gun.


Problem 2: found Book for building a normal handgun but i cant make a workbench. Normally no problem but all workbenchens at traiders pois werde destroyed. Dont found the ingredience to build the workbench. 2 Traders found but dont sell the wrench which is needed...


Tried 2 games - no workbench craftable or usable at day 5 - no handgun/normal gun found - Ammo no problem but no device to shoot with.


Problem 3 : the wounded system: even if you find a Pills Poi - no antibiotica ist found.... And nost mob infect you... Honex in treestumps- very rare...


I had much fun in the later versions before patch 19 but now its frustrating and not much fun.



Problem 1:  That is just the way the game is.  Though by the first horde night, I have at least 2 - 3 blunderbusses either through looting or crafting.  A20 you will be able to craft primitive T0 weapons to use all that ammo you find.


Problem 2:  If you haven’t found the receipe yet, then the solution is to spend a few points in the int tree and unlock the second tier of advanced engineering.  There are always costs and benefits we must balance depending on how we approach the situation.  Some playthroughs I don’t want to spend any points in grease monkey.  The benefit is that I can spend those perk points elsewhere.  The costs are that I can’t make those vehicles until I find the blueprints or able to buy them from the trader.


Also, houses and businesses will have benches.  I have yet to set up a base in a town and not find one working bench.


Problem 3:  Avoid getting hit.  We are not superhuman.  The critical hit system punishes us for being sloppy.  Learn from your mistakes.  

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Problem 1: Blunderbuss is the only gun you are supposed to find before game stage 12 unless you are lucky and find a toilet pistol. Pistol, hunting rifle, double barrel shotgun, AK47 start at GS 12. It's all explained in the release notes. 


Problem 2: It happens. Look for a working one in some POIs.


Problem 3: Don't get hit. If you are getting hit to near death every POI, you might be playing at a difficulty too high for you.

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12 hours ago, Star69 said:

Yeah, I think you are just having bad luck. Last seed I played I did not find a helmet light until day 40, other seeds I could buy one on day 1. It’s what makes the game replayable......never the same.

true altho the only thing that repeats is the broken ass terrain generation XD

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