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Big problems save data Xbox One, Series X, please help


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Hello, I'm having trouble saving positions on the Xbox One and Series X. Every 40 minutes or so, my game shuts down completely and I have to turn it back on. He does this whenever the game starts to save. Please solve this long-standing problem. This is really a major problem that makes playing very uncomfortable.


My gamertag Xbox Live : mikiCZ20

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Please no double posts. I removed your identical post in xbox because the few console players frequenting the forum will likely look here.


TFP has never actively worked on the console version, the rights were sublicensed to a company that went bankrupt. Practically end of story. Read the info in the blog post, linked above in red.


The game is saving all the time, would surprise me if it were different on xbox. What makes you think it saves at that moment?


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