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Pregen worlds


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Random worlds have all the POI's as far as I know. I think there's a few that's not in Navezgane. I played Nav when I first started playing but like you I grew tired of it. Been playing RandomGen ever since. 

Nav is just too easy to look up where everything is located. (And I did look at the map). RandomGen you never know where anything is. A lot more cities than Nav so you need to explore more on RandomGen.

Also the maps are larger than Nav unless you generate a 4k map, I usually play an 8k map and I think with Alpha20 we're gonna be able generate an even larger stable map. 🥳

With RandomGen just remember that it takes a while to generate the map unless you use one of the maps already generated. It used to take 45-60 minutes to generate an 8k map but that has gotten a lot shorter now. Mine usually takes 25-35 minutes now (Using a server). 

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