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New Fat Zed IA


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Apologies for my English.


This is my first encounter with this Zed.


If you know where I am, it is in that POI that in the end you reach an scenario and they fall from the ceiling. I'm a Stealth player, so when I reach that part of the POI i don't go upstairs to activate the zombies.. I staye in the stairs and shoot the tiles for them to fall.. I did this and the fat Zed falls... he pusrsuit me down stairs but decided not to attack me and do this instead:


Fat Zed 1


I quit the game and load it from the same place and return upstairs to finish with the other zed's. I shoot the tiles and then falls another fat zed and a radiated. I shoot the fat zed and he chases me but then, he do the same. This time i aproach him to see if he get out of that loop, but no:


Fat Zed 2


Then I went to another POI and decided to Spawn one in DM mode... everything correct:


Fat Zed 3


Does anybody knows what happened before?

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